Block Amount

id: 749541

category: Questions about Scratch

posts: 7

StrayRobot StrayRobot loading
Does anyone have a general idea of how many games have over 2000 blocks of code? I'm making a game and currently have 1657 blocks of code.
Any idea?
StrayRobot StrayRobot loading
Side note, I understand that there is probably no way of ever getting an exact number, but I looking for an estimate.
jvvg jvvg loading
At least twelve.
StrayRobot StrayRobot loading
fair enough. thank you jvvg.
LP372 LP372 loading

jvvg wrote:

At least twelve.
it's probably more than twelve, there's a few games with 20k+

StrayRobot wrote:

Side note, I understand that there is probably no way of ever getting an exact number, but I looking for an estimate.
Yeah, i'm not sure even ST has that data.
mrsrec mrsrec loading
Do you want to restrict to projects that are games? Some people just use “games” as a synonym for projects.
Vaibhs11 Vaibhs11 loading
There's probably no way to get that number. You would need tons and tons of data to even estimate, the data of course, is the number of blocks in every project… but since scratch is nearing 1 BILLION projects, you would never cover the entirety of them. Even if you don't, the smaller and smaller number of projects you check, the more inaccurate your estimation gets. So, you would need to check tens of thousands of projects to get a little bit closer to the actual answer.