The Oscar Lands 2027 Pre-Collab Apartment

id: 747110

category: Collaboration

posts: 6

Hello! Welcome to The Oscar Lands 2027 Pre-Collab Apartment!
This is an area where participating members go to while waiting for March 2027.

What is The Oscar Lands?
The Oscar Lands is a game like Zinnea's Cats of All Lands. It can also relate to Warriors. Gather food, collect medicine, and instead of going to StarClan, you can leave the earth! Can you get all the food types? Can you create a lively, happy Clan?

What can I do in this apartment?
You can do stuff related to The Oscar Lands here, such as:
Discuss the project!
Chat with other participators about what you're thinking about for the game!
Think about different roles and paste them here!

…And more!

Participators ~
@duckguything and @duckguythingarchives
@mewercats and @mewingcat456
Only participators can chat here or follow this forum, others can get reported!
Total Main Accounts: 3
Main Accounts Needed: 5
Main Accounts Left to Get: 2

How You can Join ~
Simply request an open occupation at and wait for a form link! Please do not fill in the form unless I tell you to; your form will be declined!

Pre-Collab Guidelines ~
1. Make sure you are friendly to other participators! You may not know them, you know!
2. Are you participating? Follow this forum post to get a few updates every now and then!
3. Found a Scratcher that's chatting here and not in the Participators list? Ask me permission, then you can report it.
4. Oh, and before you report, check the Participators list. I've said it twice because I think it's important!
5. Final notice: Only the owner of the collab (either @mewingcat456 or @mewercats) can break the guidelines!

That is all! Have a good day!
The Oscar Lands! 2027 Collab Official Studio has been created. Read the rules and keep the studio empty until the true start date!
Hey, you! I need YOUR help! Yes, you!
We need only, like, 3 more participators! And if we want them fast, then help too!
All you need to do is quote this post talking about how we can get more participators faster, then I'll quote back, then we'll keep quoting till it's over.
And if you want to keep it slow, then don't quote. Anyways, good luck!
Note: We stop inviting participators on the 25th of May.
Just a reminder that the member-joining due date has been changed from the 25th of May, 2024 to the 25th of June, 2025. This helps give us a way bigger chance of gaining all the members we need and also… uhh… whatever. Anyways, I'm going to ask someone if they can join. See ya!
I have a question: Why will the collab start in 2027?

MangosJangos wrote:

I have a question: Why will the collab start in 2027?

My projects right now are simple but rarely complex; most of those complex ones are Griffpatch tutorials. I am currently in year 5. In 2027 I will be in year 8, which means about one year of secondary school experience. This lengthy time also helps me prepare and get better at Scratch.