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monke4565 wrote:

This is honestly a good idea.

Welcome to the suggestions forum! it's nice to know your opinion, but please explain why you think its a good idea in the future.
oh my god, i so support. i use mobile all the time, and having the area enlarged could help a lot with the editor.
SDLT010 SDLT010 loading
why does scratch shorten a bunch of spaces to a single space? like if I want to type some ASCII art all the spaces get shortened so a beautiful masterpiece of ditto turns into an unintelligible blob of Unicode characters.
lgrov44 lgrov44 loading
Draw a circle with radius 1 at the center of its plane and a line from the center outwards to infinity. Sin(x) is the height of the intersection from the center while Cos(x) is the width. X is the angle (defined by the originally drawn line and a line drawn from the center to directly right to infinity, it is the inside angle.) See image below.

See Source

C0000lguy wrote:

C0000lguy wrote:

Username: C0000lguy
Are you leaving permanently: no no no no no no no no no
Why are you leaving (if not personal): PC is currently broken, gotta get it fixed
When are you leaving: now
When are you returning (if you're returning): probably a max of 1 week.
That took longer than I thought :l
but I am here again

HexagonWorld wrote:

UltimateMarvel wrote:

So Plat tried to post a first look for USM #3, for some reason scratch hates photos rn.

We then tried to make the cover the banner on the UltimateMarvel profile but apparently you can't do that anymore.
Anyway we'll just have to wait until scratch feels like letting us show you.

Sorry about the situation guys.
I literally just did that. Share the project, click on it when it pulls up your list of projects to feature but don't feature it, unshare it and then feature.
Still not working for this profile, I'll have to try it again in 10 minutes.

Sil2016 wrote:

good 5_g
You do know you can quote a post if you need to reply to it, right?

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

This weekend I will definitely have time to work on some music! Here is my to do list

Once upon a time

Maybe a ruins/first area theme

At least one boss/miniboss theme

I'm still needing suggestions for names, so any would be appreciated!
Can you make Sans a new character theme? (That has like hints of sans. in it?) And the name for it could be Snes The Skele or somethin'. (I spelled Sans like that on purpose. Most people would spell it as Snas, but I think it's funnier to spell it as Snes-)

semisupervised wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

Semisupervised has been issued a warning. Reason: chatting with an open order
It's not my order?
New ToC states no chatting until any available order is taken. Regardless of job status. Its to help orders remain unburied.

And at the time of the message the order had been placed for 30 minutes. Which means if you checked you could hv seen it and not talked. If it had been like, a minute or 2 past when the order originally got posted thats forgiveness as u probably just didnt see it.

BlauHourglass wrote:

And I haven't even gotten a response back. And I'm not the best at aesthetics.
I can do hand drawings. Im decent at humanoids and even better at cats. Work togrther to create the pfp, you get aesthetic and i get actual art piece?

UltimateMarvel wrote:

So Plat tried to post a first look for USM #3, for some reason scratch hates photos rn.

We then tried to make the cover the banner on the UltimateMarvel profile but apparently you can't do that anymore.
Anyway we'll just have to wait until scratch feels like letting us show you.

Sorry about the situation guys.
I literally just did that. Share the project, click on it when it pulls up your list of projects to feature but don't feature it, unshare it and then feature.
silverlynx- silverlynx- loading
Daily 28th March

Three bears with scraggly fur and dark beady eyes set out in search of a girl. One bear was tiny, with feet that couldn’t squash an ant. Another was bigger, with massive ears poking out from her massive head of fur. The last one was colossal, able to step over a mammoth lake with graceful ease.

Around them, the trees were dusty and dry, pine needles raining down on them. Big Bear tried his best to avoid squashing them, but rarely succeeded. Finally, they emerged from a clump of charred bushes and arrived at a small stone cottage, smoke pluming from its wobbling chimney. Through the steamy windows they spied a young girl with golden hair that tumbled down her shoulders, a glittering river of beauty. This was the one they were looking for.

They were searching for revenge.

Soundlessly, they crept over the parched moss, withered leaves crunching beneath their feet. As they neared the peeling door, they heard a voice.
“Come on Goldilocks, get your boots on!” A rough gravelly voice urged her.
The bears retreated back into the undergrowth, growling in hushed irritation. They decided to get Goldilocks while she was outside. But she never came.
“Mummy!” she whined,” I feel sick! Can I go to bed?”
Her mother sighed.
“Of course darling.”
And so the young girl clattered up the stairs, leaving the bears frowning back at her. They slowly advanced again.
“Come on, while she’s distracted!”
Little Bear leapt through the doorway and slipped around the corner. Next came the Middle Bear, who just managed to squeeze in. Then came Big Bear, who could barely get his knees underneath it.

Meanwhile, Little Bear was already halfway up the stairs, the floorboards creaking ominously. Middle Bear followed closely behind, sniffing loudly the whole time.
“Shhhh!” Little Bear commanded.
He held a big grudge against Goldilocks and was determined to be the one.
Middle Bear stroked her chin thoughtfully.
“So what are we actually doing to her?” She queried.
“Oh, you’ll see!” Little Bear cackled.

The door of her room juddered open, revealing Goldilocks, feasting on heaps of lollipops and humbugs, her face lit up with greed. She shrieked in sheer terror when she sighted the gleeful pair and leapt from her bed, shivering underneath it.
Little Bear stuck a foot under the bed and found a horrified Goldilocks. He threw her sweets out of the window (at which she was even more horrified), then he imitated her whiny voice and finally brandished a pair of scissors.

A moment later, a sea of gold rippled in the harsh winds on the floor. And Goldilocks was bald. Her mother came rushing up the stairs at the sound of her shrieks and screams. She herself shrieked and screamed, before scooping up Goldilocks and hurrying away. The two bears snorted in triumph. Big Bear met them outside the door, which was now just an empty hole. In fact, the whole house was now just a crumbling ruin, with Goldilocks and her mother safely out. Once they had escaped, Big Bear raised a hairy foot and squashed the whole house.

The moral of the story is never to mess with bears…
So Plat tried to post a first look for USM #3, for some reason scratch hates photos rn.

We then tried to make the cover the banner on the UltimateMarvel profile but apparently you can't do that anymore.
Anyway we'll just have to wait until scratch feels like letting us show you.

Sorry about the situation guys.
What is wrong with having that idea? It is a way to live up to all about scratch. Supporting everyone is the point of scratch
RobFarley74 RobFarley74 loading
So I'm off on vacation tomorrow for 3 weeks, not had a chance to post up anything, but rest assured there has been progress!

More scenery, race position, improved AI with variations between drivers, and the ability to play any number of tracks. Really the only thing it needs now is a front end to tie it all together.

Be well y'all!
5_g 5_g loading

DuWeido wrote:

Peneren wrote:

5_g wrote:

(xpost from other topics so everyone can see, we were talking about another server after this one.)

How about we make something completely new?

What about a skyblock server? We would create a very small island (only 500 blocks in each direction). With very limited resources. We divide players into 4 groups randomly, and place them on each corner of the island. The players arent allowed to leave their quarter of the map or go into the center area. Every sunday, we place a chest with rare resources (diamonds, lava, iron, whatever else and as the time goes on the loot gets better) in the middle of the map, and every faction can fight over this chest (you arent allowed to open this chest until every other enemy has been killed, and keepinv would be on for the duration of this battle, so that people would be focused on defending the chest, and not looting other players.) After 2 months, or the 8th sunday, we allow players to go into other players quarter and the last faction standing wins.

TLDR: limited resource skyblock server with hunger games style feasts.
Cool idea but it sounds way too much like those “1209348190 MINECRAFT PROS SIMULATE A MASSIVE SKYBLOCK MODDED SUPER CIVILIZATION OVER 100 MINECRAFT DAYS” videos you'll find on youtube
Yeah didn't Sipover make a video like that with one block skyblock? Still cool idea tho
I didnt mean a classic skyblock skyblock
Like this but bigger
English | Russian | French | Any other language?

Welcome to the Autism Acceptance\Awareness Studio! With this studio we hope to explain about misconceptions about
autism, raise support and awareness, and help people understand those with Autism better. You don't
have to be Autistic to join, and feel free to ask the managers questions!

- Introduction
- What Autism Is
- History Of Autism Month
- Theme (autism and identity)
- Ways To Take Part In Autism Month
- Rules And guidelines
- How To Become A Curator
- How To add A Project If You're Not A Curator/What Projects To Add If You Are A Curator
- Manager Intros
- Conclusion

_TotallyNotAnApple_ wrote:

its my bday today and i got a new laptop which is cool
Happy birthday!!
5_g 5_g loading

DuWeido wrote:

5_g wrote:

Peneren wrote:

_NovaNebula_ wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

What if we made a server that is a mix of sts and se? Basically, we could take the bad parts from each one and replace it with good parts from the other. For example, a part of scratch empires I and other people probably don't like is war. We could maybe still have war, but it would have to be decided by both sides. This also means no killing, unless both people want to fight.
I think the reason that SE is lasts so long is because of nations. So what if we add nations to this server too? You couldn't war unless both sides wanted to, but u could combine with other nations.
So basically, this server would be a SE with no wars/killing, or STS with nations.
Maybe it could be called “Scratching the Empires” or something like that
sts with nations and war isn't really sts then…
no its sts with nation but without war

insert average comment edited onto a post with a post count of ((page-1)*20)+1
How about we make something completely new?

What about a skyblock server? We would create a very small island (only 500 blocks in each direction). With very limited resources. We divide players into 4 groups randomly, and place them on each corner of the island. The players arent allowed to leave their quarter of the map or go into the center area. Every sunday, we place a chest with rare resources (diamonds, lava, iron, whatever else and as the time goes on the loot gets better) in the middle of the map, and every faction can fight over this chest (you arent allowed to open this chest until every other enemy has been killed, and keepinv would be on for the duration of this battle, so that people would be focused on defending the chest, and not looting other players.) After 2 months, or the 8th sunday, we allow players to go into other players quarter and the last faction standing wins.

TLDR: limited resource skyblock server with hunger games style feasts.
I like that idea, but maybe we could make it be on a Saturday instead? Also what if we did a superflat minecraft server? I've been watching Mogswanps no structures superflat videos and they're really cool. I think for a lot of people a superflat with structures would be better
yea exact day doesnt matter, and i think superflat would be too boring, while a skyblock would look nice while also making people conserve resources.

btw not like a ugly skyblock with one tree im talking about a floating islandLike this but bigger
thanks, but i've actually improved this even more to be more secure. i realized that with that system, it wasn't actually that secure. the reason being, if, let's say scratchcat's password is leaked, then there's nothing stopping @exampleuser from just entering scratchcat's password a bunch of times and saying he moved to @scratchcat.

so here's a new version which is much, much more secure, but is also slightly less user-convenient

Coolsandbox wrote:

xX_KIRYU-3_Xx wrote:

xX_KIRYU-3_Xx wrote:

Pibby59 wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

Coolsandbox wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

theapplesguy2-1 wrote:

can we at least discuss what currency is the best
thats too general
coin is the best currency
No gold is
you cant flip a chunk of gold though

And gold is waaaaay more valuable than a coin

A coin is not even better than a dollar, the coin is $0.01 and the dollar is $1.00

The gold is like $72-$170 dollars I mean come one!

The coin is copper which rusts and gold doesn’t rust if it wasn’t rotton

So did you change your opinion?
a dollar wouldn't exist if coins didn't exist
No, because a coin isn't digital paper like money, a coin is harder than a dollar, and you'd still use a dollar as a coin
money isnt digital i can hold money in my hand

also i think they mean a dollar is made up of coins
yeah and the name of the currency “bitcoin”
Actually, bitcoins are better than coins, they are more expensive, they are golden coins, and they are shiny
Yes I know that the same currency but not the same resource
but still
It’s not what you care, it is what it is
coin came before dollars i think
Right, coins came in the 7th century BC
Dollars were first invented in 1792
Second longest quote chain on this topic so far (18 participants, longest 19)
wait lets make it longer
coins are better btw
They arent
they are actually
its my bday today and i got a new laptop which is cool
hey guys, a bit off topic, but you old ppl of the comunity, do you remember when creepypastas used to be text and not fnf mods?
Gladiolus12 Gladiolus12 loading
March 28 daily, 679 words

The shoemaker often wondered what the elves were up to now. They hadn’t come back since the night they danced away with their new clothes. The shoemaker, though now rich and happy, still thought of them and missed them. He hoped they were doing alright.

The elves were, in fact, having a splendid time. They were dancing a jig around the fire with all the other creatures and fairyfolk from the magic world. And they were wearing their brand new clothes! The elves were so very proud of their new green tunics and pointed shoes.

From the moment they had seen the clothes laid out on the shoemaker’s table, the elves knew their job was done. The fairy queen had seen the poor shoemaker’s troubles and sent the elves to help him every night. She had said that once it became apparent that the shoemaker was doing well on his own, the elves could stop helping. So every night, the elves had dutifully gone to the shoemaker’s house, and, while he was sleeping, had deftly made beautiful pairs of shoes, all ready to be sold the next morning.

This kept going on, until one night, the elves skipped in, ready to do their work as usual, when laid neatly out in front of them, they saw two matching sets of green shirts, pantaloons, and hats, and two dear quaint little pairs of shoes! The elves shrieked with delight and immediately put them on. And then they knew their job was done. So they skipped out of there with their reward, never to come back again.

But the shoemaker hadn’t forgotten them, and now he missed them so terribly. He wanted to see them once more, to thank them for the immense wealth they had brought him. And the fairy queen knew this.

So that night, while all the fairyfolk were jigging, she climbed onto the highest rock and suddenly ordered all the lively music and dancing to stop. So the musicians stopped their playing, and everyone turned to look at the queen with disappointment.

She asked for the elves to come up, and for everyone else to continue their dancing. So everyone else picked up the music again, and now it was only the elves that came up to the queen with confused and disgruntled expressions. She smiled at them and apologized, and then told them of the old shoemaker and how he wished to see them once more. She asked if they could go visit him and his wife again.

And how could the elves say no to their own queen? So they tipped their pointy little hats and set off to the familiar old house. The inside smelled of leather when they came in, just as they remembered, but instead of dim light coming from a single candle, the entire room was brightly lit. In fact, the whole house looked like it had gone through marvelous renovations. There was more furniture, for instance.

The old man was sitting down at his table, working meticulously on a new pair of boots. The elves gigged and skipped quietly over to him, not making a peep. Then, when they were right next to him, they all shrieked at the same time, and the poor man jumped a mile high and turned around in fright, dropping his needle on the floor.

But oh, how happy he was when he saw the elves! He smiled from ear to ear and looked as if he could not believe his eyes. He called his wife over, and she too looked as if she were dreaming. It had been a year since the elves had last come, and now they were back! It was a very happy reunion, indeed.

By the time the night was over, the elves were going home with bundles of new clothes in their arms and bellies full of biscuits, and the shoemaker and his wife were waving at them with matching smiles on their faces.

And the fairy queen smiled to see them all, and knew her job was finished.

thepurplebanana66 wrote:


scheeepchit_remix wrote:

thepurplebanana66 wrote:


scheeepchit_remix wrote:

thepurplebanana66 wrote:


scheeepchit_remix wrote:

someone should make a version of the appel editor with all the block-code modification benefits (more rotation options, .5 blocks, multiple end flags etc)
I will eventually, probably after i'm done with 5 step steve
i made a very scuffed version which took like 5 minutes, not the proudest thing i made but its serviceable enough until someone else makes a more polished version
I also want to add/improve features. Some ideas I have so far are:
-moving platforms that the enemies can interact with
-triggers that can be activated multiple times, and each time activates one loop of an object (crushers crushing, burthas flipping, blueplatforms moving, etc.)
-more burtha functionality (being able to move them upwards)
-being able to modify a spring's downwards velocity (how is this not a thing already griffpatch?)
-a trigger that changes the HUE of a level when you touch it
-more things can have groups attached to them(normal blocks, apples, red apple, maybe a new burtha that acts normally with groups)
-a more in-depth explanation of what blocks and commands do

and finally…
-a system that allows you to edit each quarter of a block individually(like mini blocks in Just a Level Editor), allowing for infinitely more customization
my aim is to create a level editor with all the block-code modification shenanigans, but still have the level codes be compatible with base appel
that should be pretty easy, I think you can do it.
are there any block-code-editing tricks i missed in my scuffed editor thingy
lgrov44 lgrov44 loading

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Elijah999999 wrote:

Where's my $10 000 dollars?
no way this is a dupe.
This is, the variation in context and possible suggestions makes it an unreliable and inconsistent guide. If you wish to have some examples, try the examples of cloud lists and the Animated Text blocks in the Scratch Lab.
Hello, do any of u want to learn math while also enjoy yourself prepare your multiplication/division/plus/minus test? well there is a resource for that


fire_alchemist wrote:

Friendly reminder, I’m outside your house

did you know there is a recently discovered sickness of the feet? Athletes all over the world suffer from it, it makes the feet look weirdly damaged, the feet start to become smoother but very sensitive, the sickness is obtained by the excess of effort while running, this is why the illness was called sonic in honour of the blue video game character, Sonic the hedgehog. For more information google “sonic feet images”
Wow, I wonder what happens when you google Sonic feet images-
right? hey i finally can get back here to forum, yay :)
PyraEthan12 PyraEthan12 loading
I’m not too sure, but I think this topic belongs in the Requests forum as this isn’t really a question about Scratch, so I have reported this topic to move it to Requests.

depresso-boiyo wrote:

Semisupervised has been issued a warning. Reason: chatting with an open order
It's not my order?
Hello. I am making an RPG type game. I need someone who can code a scrolling platformer. I have done most of the art. Also we can Collab on BIockIive or you can just make me the code or something. Thanks!
I remembered a telltale like game about scratch cat finding a mysterious rune totem thing that turns people into like rage monsters. it was set in like a log cabin. anyone remember?
(plz someone)
Barophobia Barophobia loading
Guys. Here's a project idea: OC Alphabet. Basically, just sort your OCs alphabetically and see which letters you don't have.

BringUpYourPost wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

I reported an anti-lgbtq+ project, I was the only one who reported it. But 3 people reported a different project. I reported the anti-lgbtq first it isn't down. but the different project is down
How are you certain that you were the only one who reported the anti-lgbtq project and that precisely 3 people reported the different project?
the antilgbtq project had 1 view and the other one had more than 2 reports (2 people claimed to report it)
it'd have to have 2 views for you to have gotten to the project, played it, and reported it…
also people could've seen that its bad through the thumbnail and reported it without playing the project
Horsekatto Horsekatto loading
Just wondering, why do some people simp for Bill Cipher? I platonically simp for him but why do other people simp for him? (non-platonically.) Not judging but he's a triangle with an eye, hat and bow tie.
Hallo everyone, i made a phone but it still has some work tho. so please check it out :)

btw pls tell me if i should change anything. i hope you like
oh I see. well, I guess then here's the mockup in a scratch project instead.

RokCoder wrote:

1) Because the startup-screen is a full screen sprite and will hide anything on the pen layer
2) Because you're not setting a colour for the pen so it's writing white on white (once you've hidden the startup-screen)
i am. {2}
monke4565 monke4565 loading
This is honestly a good idea.
I have contacted ST about a bad person and they didn't do much, so it doesn't always work. They did remove a few projects by this person, but there's one that hasn't been even though many people have reported it.
_WOFDOG_ _WOFDOG_ loading

k0d3rrr wrote:

-Telekore- wrote:

JTanner2026 wrote:

JoelBarnes wrote:

ZanterZlox wrote:

What happened
Something's wrong with the reply box.
yeah its kinda purple
yeah mine's doing that too
And so is mine…
This is usually caused by a code tag that hasn't been closed, usually in someone's signature.

Edit: I tested that out in my signature, and it doesn't work.
Mines doing the same… (screenshot from a few days ago)
monke4565 monke4565 loading
I think we need more interface that shows some hidden features, and makes them more visible like the forum. You put in to get there, so if there were an item on the menu, more users could find it. I only saw it from a spam warning.

eriksurtout the idiot wrote:

wer65hertg wrote:

eriksurtout wrote:

I found this in Expanded Rooms, there is a sprite with a spacebar as its name and its script is as the following:
erikisout should shut up

someone please do something about this.
Just report the project.
…i gave you the link. you can report it right?
use a wait until block.
wait until <not <key [ v] pressed?>>

Draked12 wrote:

probaly make a new variable called “page”, if the editor button is clicked, the page will be set to “editor” if it is, the clones will start.
Now V1.24 dropped (Did not move to a different project) and it has new spawn texture,new icons,and a menu screen
undefinite undefinite loading

24mallon16 wrote:

How to make a discussion?
you mean topic, right? if you’re looking on how to create a topic here’s how:
go to discussions home
find a category you think fits your topic (looking for game help = collaboration, broken script = help with scripts)
click “new topic”
name your topic and type what you need in the main textbox

McDonalds_Dude123 wrote:

I'm not afraid to say it, Scratch Auth sucks, and this Discussion forum is not helpful at all. Penguinmod should just use an actual create account system instead of this garbage. Like you can't even sign in without a thousand “Failed Authentication” messages, and if you're lucky, you ALMOST sign in but then it says “Bad Gateway”
the problem is they would have to migrate at least 500+ accounts
C0000lguy C0000lguy loading

C0000lguy wrote:

Username: C0000lguy
Are you leaving permanently: no no no no no no no no no
Why are you leaving (if not personal): PC is currently broken, gotta get it fixed
When are you leaving: now
When are you returning (if you're returning): probably a max of 1 week.
That took longer than I thought :l
but I am here again

CrazyCoder1247 wrote:

Just-Ideas wrote:

You're not allowed to use follows as a prize. Scratch Team says so.
bro every game jam gives follows
yeah. and nobody cares.
24mallon16 24mallon16 loading
How to make a discussion?
DuWeido DuWeido loading

Peneren wrote:

5_g wrote:

(xpost from other topics so everyone can see, we were talking about another server after this one.)

How about we make something completely new?

What about a skyblock server? We would create a very small island (only 500 blocks in each direction). With very limited resources. We divide players into 4 groups randomly, and place them on each corner of the island. The players arent allowed to leave their quarter of the map or go into the center area. Every sunday, we place a chest with rare resources (diamonds, lava, iron, whatever else and as the time goes on the loot gets better) in the middle of the map, and every faction can fight over this chest (you arent allowed to open this chest until every other enemy has been killed, and keepinv would be on for the duration of this battle, so that people would be focused on defending the chest, and not looting other players.) After 2 months, or the 8th sunday, we allow players to go into other players quarter and the last faction standing wins.

TLDR: limited resource skyblock server with hunger games style feasts.
Cool idea but it sounds way too much like those “1209348190 MINECRAFT PROS SIMULATE A MASSIVE SKYBLOCK MODDED SUPER CIVILIZATION OVER 100 MINECRAFT DAYS” videos you'll find on youtube
Yeah didn't Sipover make a video like that with one block skyblock? Still cool idea tho