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daily twenty two . pathetic fallacy . 264 words

i held her in my arms somberly as the clouds wept, rain soaking my messy hair and slipping down my shoulders. the forest animals around us called out longingly, desperately praying for her life to come back. the leaves on the ground bowed their heads with honor, just as disappointed in her passing. i sat beside her and stroked her chocolate brown hair, pushing her curtain bangs from her eyes. she was the girl without a name, nobody knew what she was called, and we were fine with that. what a fine young woman she was turning into! we all knew she’d be successful and happy, too bad it didn’t last. the moon shone down on us, seeming to mock the fact she was gone. the wind whispered a weary song through the trees, some birds eventually joining in as well. their sad calls did nothing but upset me more as i looked at her beautiful, golden skin, now turning pale. “it’s not right to let you go without a name,” i decided. i thought long and hard, it had to be perfect. as the stars twinkled in the sky, i decided. “it will be alina. because alina means bright and beautiful. not only are you beautiful on the outside, you are even more stunning on the inside.” after a moment of listening to the crickets chatter, i knew my time was up. “it’s time for me to go now,” i told her with a sigh. i plucked an iris from the ground, and softly layed it across her open wound. “my compliments, alina.”
rainy-rayne rainy-rayne loading
daily 22 - 313/250 words
pathetic fallacies
The day she died, I was sitting at the stream at the mountain property. I think I must have been skipping rocks at the moment it happened. I would have picked up a smooth black stone from the pebbly banks, and as rain gently wept down on the slow-moving water, I would have tossed the pebble across. It would have sunk under after a moment of struggling to stay atop the water, doomed to plummet under the surface.
I was doomed to fall under, too, once he was gone. It took months for me to be able to get up in the morning and think about the day ahead instead of how much I missed her. I don't think I'll ever move on, not with how it happened, not with how she was to me. She was the Eros to my Psyche, the Eurydice to my Orpheus. I loved her, loved her so much, loved her so much that the though of being separated from her would have torn my heart in two-
and it didn't, not really,
rather, my heart was shattered into minute shards, crushed into multitudinous flakes, splintered into innumerable slivers, ripped into infinitesimal scraps.
As I sat in the rain then, I didn't know what'd happened, but as raindrops dampened my clothes and waterlogged my hair, I felt as though I'd just passed from one part of life onto another.
I guess I was right about that. As much as I long to go back, I know I can't, and I think maybe it's better that way.
After all, maybe I was too focused on her, maybe my sight was set on her and her alone.
Sometimes, as the sun rays smile down on me in the early morning, I feel hope, hope for something.
I'm not sure what it is,
but I'm sure it's going to be good.
Daily March 22

Writers use a lot of figurative language, and today we're focusing on just one type: pathetic fallacy. Similar to personification, pathetic fallacy is when a story utilizes the environment to convey emotions by using typically human actions (ex: weeping raindrops, dancing leaves, etc). For 300 points, write a story of at least 250 words using pathetic fallacy to convey an emotion. Then, post it in the comments for 150 more points and see if anyone can guess which emotion it is!

The clouds cried as each raindrop fell like a tear onto the already-drenched ground. A girl stands outside, pleading with the skies to end it, to release the bright rays of hope the sun would bring. The angry thunder was long gone, but still, the fallen tears of the shadowy grey clouds fell on the land. The girl turns, singing a sad song, changing the lyrics to match her heart's pain, and to hopefully forget the fear and the clinging feeling of not knowing weighing her down.
Walking inside a tan building, her shoes echoing in the small hallway, the sound reflecting off the brick walls into the large gym she had known for eight years. However, the sights inside were unfamiliar, foreign almost, as people in yellow shirts as well as grey shirts with a small red cross mingled with people she had known for so long. The girl approached her grandma, who was catching up with old friends as well as making new ones. She stood by her grandma, watching another lady who was 103, prepping little snack bags of chips to go into the larger bags of lunch. The girl watched as a lady came in, tears falling down her face, as she ran to the girl's dad, sharing her woes, and mourning her son's death. Again, the rain began to fall, harder, echoing off the roof of the large tan building, seemingly sharing the woes of the town. The town was so hurt by storms, that some would never recover.

I look back at that whisper of a memory and sigh. Again, I look at the local news, the story, sharing once again the woes of the people in the town, who are being refused money raised for them, despite call after call. Three times over the last year was this small town on the news. Anger burns within me, anger crashing around my head like thunder, as I fight hot tears gathering at my eyes. Inside, small rays of hope try to fight their way through the shadows, as my own internal storm fights. Maybe one day, I'll have peace. Maybe one day, my town will have peace. One day…
+365 words
TechNerd64 TechNerd64 loading
A possible solution is using scratchattach to get information from Wikipedia's API. I may be wrong. It's just an ides
Just a quick update for my order:
I'm working on it. But my family calls, and I must answer. ETA is still probably Saturday or Sunday.
-NightGlow- -NightGlow- loading
Daily 22
word count - 300 words

Another day, and then comes night. I'm so tired of trying to live like this. In a society where I'm deemed unworthy for some reason. It's as if I'm an outsider, looking in through a window. Just blocked by the walls that others have forced around me. Through this window, I experience the world. The emotions of others, and the thoughts of the world.

Mid rain, the droplets were falling. Anyone could tell what the colored leaves meant - a time for change, to begin renewal after a somber good bye. As the droplets harshly fell onto the pavement, the wind made the leaves dance, or at least seem like they were dancing. Their elegance showed their innocence, proving the beauty of true nature itself. As they fell from the tree, twirling down, they were met with support from others.

Envisioning myself, along those lines, with someone who would catch me when I fall. It was just me being delusional, once again. If these walls could crumble, they would have been gone. But today, they still stand strong. Might and fierce. It's as if their state is permanent, and echo chamber to keep me trapped from the outside world.

For my safety? I wouldn't think so - probably for that of others. If I was just given the chance to fall, fall down like those leaves, I would be abled to experience a whole new part of the world. A feeling of beauty and innocence. Though one may not be there to catch me when I fall, my fall will open reality. Through which, I can grow. It's as if I'm a trapped plant. Not given any sunshine, nor rain for that matter, to prosper. To knock down these walls are my day long dreams, though who could muster up that courage.
Word Wars // Just writing random // 246 words.
The night time sky brushed over the quiet town. There was stars that twinkled so brightly. And the moon was shining above the sky. Lots of people lived here, and some people moved here. But one night in this quiet little town, a storm brewed in. It caused a giant flood, reaching tremendous heights. Some people made it out safely, some didn't.
My parents were one of the victims of this disaster, and I'll never forget this moment in my life. But I still never wanted this to happen.
The only reason I survived was because I was the only one fully prepared, I was the only one who prepared for this disaster.
My family didn't care to prepare, and I tried warning them.
Now I'm here, holding a rose. And mourning them sadly forever.

Many people asked why I wasn't talking in class, I refused to answer them. It wasn't because I was scared - I didn't want to tell anyone about the death of my two parents. I didn't want to tell them why it happened.
I still never talk about myself and it feels… wrong.
No I can't be.

That one night I was hanging out with my bestie, she stole my diary and read it. I was so angry and so embarrassed at the same time.
It's like my life is so difficult and hard.
I broke up with my boyfriend two months before that happened… Maybe this endless time will end?

Sorry this is VERY short, I literally had no ideas. AND I had nothing to write about.
I KNOW I'll loose this word war thingy. lol
3/22: Pathetic Fallacy

The tree is cold and barren outside the window.

Evelyn traces her finger across the frosty glass, dropping her forehead against the white panes. Something in Aiden aches to see her like this, and he touches her shoulder gently.

“Hey,” he says softly. “Come - come back.”

Evelyn doesn't move. “I keep thinking,” she murmurs. “I-” She breaks off, watching a leaf drop from the dead tree. It falls limply, curling into itself, and Evelyn closes her eyes wearily.

Aiden notices - of course, because he doesn't miss a thing with her, even when she's not looking at him - and carefully pulls her away from the window. “Evelyn-”

But she shakes her head. She's too stubborn, too guarded to tell him how close she was to the edge. No matter - he doesn't need her to. He knows, anyways.

“I've got that meeting tonight, don't I?” she asks.

Aiden nods ruefully. He studies her face, the bags under eyes and the hard set of her mouth. He thinks it'll be okay. “I'm out then, but I'll be back if you need anything-”

“Aiden,” she says quietly. “Please don't come back just for me.”

She's said the same thing more times than he can count, and he's given the same response to her each time. So this time, he just gives her a half-smile. “I think I've told you this before.” He feels his eyes soften. “Being here with you is always a choice I will make, Lyn.”

“I know I keep you here,” she mutters. She doesn't say the next line, the one he hears as if it was spoken out loud: I know you do more for me than I do for you, and I hate it. She's never said that part actually, but she's as good as shouted it every argument they've had about this.

Except that isn't true. In any way. He thinks without Evelyn, nothing in him would stay grounded. He thinks of the glance that she sometimes sends him in the middle of the day that settles everything inside of him. He thinks of the sloppily wrapped packets of food for his mom. He thinks of the way she slips into his room on his worst nights and sleeps on the floor next to his bed, the way her very presence chases away the demons in his head, and wonders how she could think she does nothing for him.

“Your Lordship?” a voice calls from outside the room, rapping sharply on the door. Evelyn looks up, all signs of exhaustion falling away.

“Coming,” she says crisply. She turns back to him, and he thinks only he could see the strain around her eyes when her mask is on so carefully. “You'll be okay?”

“Always.” He aims for a carefree grin, and thinks he halfway succeeds. “I'll message you if anything comes up, yeah?”

“Yeah. Yeah - same here.”

“Your Lordship!” The knocking becomes more insistent, and Evelyn winces. With a distracted see you she sweeps out the door, and he's left there to chew at his nails and worry about everything placed on his and her shoulders.

He looks out the window at the tree. There, at the very top, are two leaves stubbornly clinging to life. The curve towards each other and the faint sunlight falling through the branches. Aiden swallows past a lump in his throat. Stars help him, some way or another they will survive the hell they've been put through.

(580 words)

a/n: i've had these two characters swirling around in my brain for a while - they've sometimes had different names, different worlds, different circumstances - but their essence is always the same: best friends, soulmates, whatever you want to call it, but two people who know each other like themselves, who would do anything for each other. this is the first time i've actually written anything with them outside my head, but i think i captured them pretty well!
Writers use a lot of figurative language, and today we're focusing on just one type: pathetic fallacy. Similar to personification, pathetic fallacy is when a story utilizes the environment to convey emotions by using typically human actions (ex: weeping raindrops, dancing leaves, etc). For 300 points, write a story of at least 250 words using pathetic fallacy to convey an emotion. Then, post it in the comments for 150 more points and see if anyone can guess which emotion it is!

03/22 ✲ March 22nd ✲ 278 words

Rina pushed back her soft curls and spun around in the purple hyacinths.
There were cars and roads and a bustling city in front of her only a few yards away, but that didn’t matter too much. This was her favorite place.
The purple hyacinths swayed back and forth like they were listening to music, the breeze gracefully sweeping the sky orange. A green leaf fluttered like a butterfly to the ground.
Rina sat down, her back facing the neon lights of the city. “Can you hear me?” she asked the lone pink hyacinth by her.
The hyacinth silently waved in the breeze, saying hello.
She sighed and turned toward the tree in front of her. Moss had spiraled its way up the trunk, and the sun was setting, dipping itself into the ground shyly.
Rina picked a yellow dandelion and tucked it behind her ear, standing up and leaving for home. The path curled out in front of her. Raindrops whispered their songs in the air around her, and she closed her eyes.
Her umbrella thumped against the ground of her living room. Her mother was watching TV, and the soft noises waved like fumes toward her. She smiled and walked upstairs.
Her room had curtains the same color as the hyacinths. It rolled outwards without any wind. Her iPad made a sound as she turned it on and slid on her headphones.
The roses on her shirt crinkled as she slid into her chair and listened to music as she let her pencil dance across the page effortlessly. The drawing was practically moving, and its eyes were looking right at her.
Friday was a good day.

semisupervised wrote:

I passed my A+ cert today by approximately 0.2%
I am now officially a fully certified CompTIA computer technician
Gladiolus12 Gladiolus12 loading
March 22 daily, 265 words

Rain had not fallen for many months. The ground was dry and parched. Cracks split through the middle, and there was only miles of dirt as far as the eye could see. There were no flowers—how could flowers grow without rain?

I kicked at the earth and watched the dust whirl into the air. I was thinking about Mama. When would she ever get better? I didn’t want to see her in those hospital beds anymore. I was tired of the white bedsheets and white walls, sick of the sterile hospital smell. It made me want to throw up. Would she ever get better? I was beginning to lose hope.

Days turned into weeks. I went to the hospital every day. And then one day, the doctor said Mama was getting better. She would be ready to go home in two weeks. It was the best news I’d heard in a while. I laughed and ran outside.

As Mama got better, the earth seemed to change. Clouds rolled into the empty sky, and the earth seemed to know this and waited expectantly. The air felt heavier, less dry than it had before.

The day finally came. As Mama stepped out of the hospital and into the world after so many months, the clouds opened and rain fell from the sky. It was a gentle rain, but it brought life back into the barren earth. The rain fell and fell, and slowly, the cracks healed up and the ground became whole again. And for the first time in a while, I saw flowers beginning to bloom.
lapisi lapisi loading

bowmand117 wrote:


Autothekat-school wrote:

I feel that this needs a
↑↑↑↑ BUMP ↑↑↑↑
to the top of the forums.
(it's a great topic! :D)

you realize doing that is technically against forum rules
[citation needed]

-lCosl- wrote:

Username*: -lCosl-
Nickname/s*: Cos
Pronouns: They/them
Why should you join?: I should join because I am very good at vector art (I make banners, logos and pfps), pixel art and a bit of realism. I can also code a bit.
What will be your role?: Artist, preferably.
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: Yes, I do.
Timezone*: EDT
TIme online on Scratch*: Weekdays: 8:30 am - 10:10am 11:00am - 3:30pm 4:00pm - 9:00pm Weekends: 11:00am - 9:00pm (there may be breaks).
Example Works: Banners: this, this, and this. Logos: this. Realism this.
Other*: I want to help anyone I can and be a good person.
Sorry, rejected, you haven't read the ToS-RoS.

CrazyCoder1247 wrote:

Username*: crazycoder1247
Pronouns: yn
Why should you join?: we need to hire!!!
What will be your role?: adv3rtiser, for the purpose of hiring
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: yes
Timezone*: est but yn
TIme online on Scratch*: yn
Example Works: uhm n/a????
accepted in desperation lol

ilovestories wrote:

Guys, we’re much too determined to not shut down orders.

Many new orders are way past the deadline, and I feel like we need to close until we can get them finished.
that is an idea. How about we limit orders?
lapisi lapisi loading

undeterministic wrote:


KitStar12 wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

ok so each sprite should be a folder in a sense. one sprite for GUI, for level etc. but these sprite folders will cause people to make more sprites because of this organizing meaning it is encouraging less optimal code
no because this will make the interface easier but won't do a thing about lag. this would help lwith working on indiviual parts of a game or something like that
indivual parts shouldnt be sprites. i shouldnt have a sprite for each indivual button. i should have a sprite called buttons
so each button would be a clone of that one sprite? do you know how to make clones behave differently from each other because I certainly don't
i'm not gonna lie to ya…

disclaimer: this isn't actually a real account.
Crow_Boy08 Crow_Boy08 loading

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

i'm glad to see that so many people here still care about gd!

anyway, anyone got any fun level recommendations that use the swingcopter? i'm noticing a weird lack of usage when it comes to it being in levels at the moment
I mean, the update just came out a few months ago so it'll take long before the community fully uses it. but i saw something on that red karma robot website on r/geometrydash there was something called techno color and it had that swing copter. (i cant find the video of it though)
-lxve-bug- -lxve-bug- loading

-lxve-bug- wrote:

pup's thread (boy am i late :skull: )


daily for 3-22-24, 231 words

tw/cw: depression is a very prevalent theme so just be warned <3 (not my best work TT)

The branches of the huge tree drooped and swayed as the sky poured buckets. The weeping drops of rain knocked against my window as I sat staring. The sky was equally as dismal, the lackadaisical black clouds drifting across gray streaks passing for the heavens. I sighed, and blinked sleepily. I really should be in bed. I checked the clock, the numbers dancing in the dark. It was two in the morning. I turned my attention back to the frowning branches of the tree in my yard. The leaves dropped from the branches slowly, taking their time, finally laying down in a bed of grass. The rain droplets slithered down my window, like the tears tracking their way down my face. I sniffed. I really should get to sleep. I got up from my perch on the window seat, and dragged myself over to my bed. I pulled the thick, soft blankets over me, letting them hug me. I sighed contentedly, wondering why I didn’t retreat to my cave of comforters and pillows earlier. The leftover tears wet my pillow, seeping into the plush fabric. I closed my eyes, the lids tired and sticky from all the crying. I wished I could sleep more, I wished I could cry less, I wish I could be happier. Oh well. All I needed was my bed and my pillows and my blankets. I knew I’d be lying there for another hour or two before I actually drifted off, but for now, I would be content. While I’m sleeping, I’d be content. I’d sleep till about 12 to 2 in the afternoon, and wake up grumpy, cranky, stressed, and sad like I always do, and then I’d do it all again. Not like I ever did much. But it’s alright. Because right now I’m sleeping and this is all in my head. It’s just a dream. I hope so. I think I’m going insane.
bewilder_ed bewilder_ed loading

march 22 - pathetic fallacy
+297 words
+450 points

prompt: Writers use a lot of figurative language, and today we're focusing on just one type: pathetic fallacy. Similar to personification, pathetic fallacy is when a story utilizes the environment to convey emotions by using typically human actions (ex: weeping raindrops, dancing leaves, etc). For 300 points, write a story of at least 250 words using pathetic fallacy to convey an emotion. Then, post it in the comments for 150 more points and see if anyone can guess which emotion it is!
The earth rumbled; a feeling of sorrow was within its core. It wanted to shatter and break into a million pieces. That was how it felt inside. How could it support so much life? There was never a break.

The sky felt it too. The sadness weighed over it, forming gray storm clouds that shadowed the blue beyond. The more it felt, the thicker the clouds grew until the sky grumbled just as the earth did. It was a message to the earth almost a comforting message so that the earth could know he was not alone.

Then the heavens let loose. The sky wept and sobbed and the ground flooded too as the earth cried along.

It was a ceremony of sadness, an orchestra of feeling, and all the world felt it too.

This included the girl lying on her bed with tears streaming down her face. She was so miserable inside and so in tune with the earth and the way it felt. She seemed to be born of the earth, grown from the flowers and bloomed when the petals opened. The way she felt it was as if she really was a child of the earth. Only the angels could really know how she felt.

When the storm died down, the wind came. The gusts brought the emptiness to the misery. It left the girl in a depressed state of mind. One so unforgiving that she felt she would wallow there forever. But the universe could not really be so cruel, could it? To leave the poor defenseless girl there. It left one wanting to shout for justice, but it was not to be so.

Soon it would be over.


Because when it would be over, the girl would know how to endure.
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

Ha ha! yeah your right
Glad I made you laugh

Yeah me too. I'm a little tired lately.
Waddle25 Waddle25 loading

David-with-friend5 wrote:

Waddle25 wrote:

define I can't sign into aviate.
(It says that my authentication fails, and sometimes gives me a 404 error and a 401.)
say [Neither can I. :(]
Mine just worked lol I think fire tablets are just on and off, and others behave differently with connection to servers
Sandy-Dunes Sandy-Dunes loading
MC Daily 3/22 - Pathetic Fallacy
268 words!!

The leaves whisper among themselves as the figure passes by. The wind grazes his ear, trying to tell him a forbidden secret, but he simply draws his scarf more tightly around his face. There. Nice and warm.

He heads in the direction of the offices. Perhaps he can find who he is looking for there.

With a gentle yet evident creak of warning, the door nudges open under his firm push. There is only dust here, billowing up around his figure as he disturbs it.

The spring afternoon sunlight seems to all but dissipate in this confined space, forsaking him in favor of safer winds outside. If the good must flee this place, then be it.

He steps inside, and for a moment the world seems to tilt dangerously on its axis as everything shifts, everything is different, why-

“Captain,” the man in front of him says.


The marshal turns. In the absence of light, he seems to look far more sinister than the captain would have expected. But the dust sidesteps the approaching figure, and some pathetic sliver of sun falls upon his weathered face, restoring to some semblance of geniality.

(It was all but hidden by the climbing anxiety)

“Why are you here?”

“I’m not sure,” he says.

“Leave,” the marshal replies, voice taking on a dangerous shift.

All around the two of them, the dust flees from the wind blowing in from the now-open windows of the offices. Wails of pain emit from somewhere in the office, and the captain finally feels the danger buzzing all around him-


And then all is black.

-cxtto- -cxtto- loading

JTanner2026 wrote:

-cxtto- wrote:

-cxtto- wrote:

Callie ( mainly appears in one title, although I believe she does also appear in the other titles in the series )

ask for a hint
bringing this gal back up
she's in all three games
kanomaster kanomaster loading
I actually don't need anyone to make the scrolling function anymore. (i've pretty much already finished it)
I may just finish this project by myself, and give credit to those who deserve it, but my attempt to get these team together seems to be a failure. That's fine, as I got some self-improvement stuff I want to be doing, so this will probably be one of my last times on scratch. (Probably last project too) Video games and coding take up most of my life, and I really should be doing other things. I'm trying to cut out all the procrastinative (new word!) actions and stuff and replace them with more like good actions. (can't think of the word lol)
So yea. Thanks Odyssey for the chance of being leader. Thanks to everyone who's stayed on/been on this team, it's been a lot of fun, and some interesting experiences. *cough* @Captain_Steward *cough* Wish you all the best in whatever you continue to do in life.
Godspeed friends.

ArgyleE1 wrote:

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

Ha ha! yeah your right
Glad I made you laugh

Yeah me too. I'm a little tired lately.
here's a banger of a video

can you parry that... in tears of the kingdom!
March 22nd 2024
—— daily for poetry

This daily is accurate to personal experience last year <3

The rain came down unceasingly, beating on our windows and begging for entry. Wind howled through our doors with screams of terror. This was what a classified “super typhoon“ was like. I wanted it to stop. I wanted our power to come back on, so we could open the shutters and watch television, and do whatever else we wanted.
A crash sounded. A jumped. Mom glanced out the small un-shuttered window and gasped. “I think that was a solar panel!”
The vicious rain had claimed its first victim. I curled up on one of the leather couches, then thought better of it. The absence of AC combined with the restless storm created uncomfortable humidity, which in turn caused the leather to be sticky. I headed upstairs, my head aching with the constant noise, and the screams of the wind.
I was able to distract myself with reading for a few hours, although I had to do it on the wooden bench in the closet; it had one of the few un-shuttered windows and was the only place to read by natural light. When I came downstairs, the storm had started a new sound to add to its repertoire. At first it sounded like someone was popping popcorn. No such luck. The vent to our stove was flapping in the wind, and letting in buckets of water.
My parents’ diligent efforts late into the night were able to prevent extensive damage and flooding. I am grateful for that. Eventually, my wish was granted, and we did get power back, although we had to wait twenty-one days. But we fought the typhoon, and we won.

Waddle25 wrote:

define I can't sign into aviate.
(It says that my authentication fails, and sometimes gives me a 404 error and a 401.)
say [Neither can I. :(]
Recoin Recoin loading
“so i'm making a arcade-like shooter game” - jun, 2024

so like the way i made enemy types before, to all fit in one sprite, i had it check the clone's costume and run the corresponding script using ifs

but animated costumes have a problem: attempting to just expand the scripts “yeah this is the right script” <(costume #) = (x)> thing kinda stops the script cuz i think it keeps restarting it

so i removed it (i think) but i remember the script:

when I start as a clone
if <(costume #) = (x)> then
some stuff
if <(costume #) = (y)> then
some more stuff
so on...

game in question: spaceshootergame™

if i explained this horribly please tell me

Also i think i might need a new PFP.
1lMaM 1lMaM loading
pathetic fallacy daily
274 words

who am i?
am i the sun who sits in the corner
lounging in its throne
the center of attention
that shouts to let you know?
am i the trees that dance in sunlight
reaching far away
leaves vibrant, shining, beaming
in one place they never stay?
am i the wind that tousles life around
and plays between the leaves
am i the gale that cheats and rages
or the gentle, curious breeze?
am i the ground that feels so dead
but it's bursting and alive?
am i the clouds that float, so freely
through the smiling morning sky?
who am i, if not these?
am i the possum eating pawpaws
or the magpie's perfect nest
or animals that hide their beauty
rusty tools that struggle at best?
maybe i'm none of these
maybe i'm them all

i'm the glowing band of moonlight
when all else is scared to shine
i'm the crescent shrouded in darkness
i am hope, this thin white line
but i'm survival, an endless cycle
and come.
and gone again.
chaotic normality, endless fatality
let another
take the reins
while i sit in the corner
- the stars are my throne
and mock the fickle order
of the place i call home

i don't want to do that.
i'm not the moon.

so i'm the single weeping willow
in an endless show of joy?
so i'm the shovel long forgot
in all these years
I'm just a
so all that's left to play is
so small
so lonely
so lost.
at least it's something
and i'm something
is perfection real?
or is there
a cost?
Weekly 3 || 1565/1200 words

Part 1 || To begin your mystery, wander on over to @PoppyWriter's workshop to learn how to plot one! After you've read and internalized the information, write short, 50 word descriptions each for five major plot points in your tale. Be as creative as you like, and feel free to include some classic mystery elements as well. || 453/250 words

Evelyn lives in the small town of Terrifall, where everybody knows everybody else. That’s before the car crash. When her best friend, Willan Trevors, crashes his car off the winding cliff road, Evelyn knows that something is up, because Willan would never drive a car unless his life was at stake… and maybe it was. (55 words)

Going down to investigate the wreck of Willan’s car, Evelyn trips and almost falls all the way down the cliff. On the way she finds something in the bushes, a small black briefcase, locked. She is sure it’s part of the mystery somehow, and puts it in her backpack. When she reaches the ruins she finds the crashed car, but no body. She is secretly relieved, but as far as she knows nobody has come to investigate the scene. Is Willan d3@d after all? (85 words)

After finding many clues, Evelyn finally thinks she might know what happened to Willan. She goes to the mysterious lab a little ways out of their desert-cliff town and sneaks inside. Inside she finds w3@pons of mass destruction, weapons that could change the world. She also finds a small note with what seems to be a code in it. She stuffs it in her pocket and runs back home. When she puts the code into the briefcase, it opens. Inside is a small slip of paper with names on it. It is titled: To Get Rid Of. Willan’s name is on there, crossed out in bright red ink. She realizes that the people on this list must be the people that know about the w3@p0ns and that they don’t trust. She goes back to confront the people and it ends in a showdown where she brings her news anchor friend, Lilac, to reveal to the world what is actually going on. (163 words)

The police and other agents come and get the place destroyed and shut down. Evelyn realizes that Willan must have known they were coming for him and sent the car as a decoy without him in it. So she goes to the city to the school where they met each other, and there is Willan, hiding at a hotel near it. The two rejoice and she tells him how the entire world knows about the lab now and nobody is in danger. (82 words)

Willan, Lilac, and Evelyn manage to start their own investigation program as detectives (and Lilac as their news anchor) and spend their time tracking down different mysteries and solving cases for people around the states, with little things from missing puppies to even bigger cases… like missing people. They don’t know where their next case will take them, but they know that they will be solving it together. (68 words)

Part 2 || Now that you have introduced yourself to the world of mystery and have the basics of your story down it is time to dig deeper. If you have ever participated in host speculation you'll know how many twists and tricks add to the fun. Now create a list with 4 clues and/or red herrings consisting of at least 50 words , that you can incorporate into your story. Check out this wonderful workshop that should help you with this task: Red Herrings and Clues - have fun! || 277/200 words

Clue #1: The briefcase Evelyn finds on the scene. It is, strangely, unscathed and has no dents or scratches on it at all. It has a golden combination lock with 5 digits and 1 letter lock. There is a small engraving on the top of the (also golden) handle, but it just looks like the letter L from a distance. (58 words)

Red Herring #1: Willan’s phone was not in the car, and he had an unsent text to a number without a caller ID that says: “Get a camera to the spot we planned. Send Evelyn the letter I gave you.” There is nothing else in the text, and it had never been sent. It was simply typed into the box. Evelyn looks for the letter but finds nothing. This was actually a red herring if the lab security searched his room they thought he was planning to expose them, so they’d just assume he died and stop looking. (95 words)

Clue #2: An ad in the newspaper for workers for the laboratory, Evelyn sees a shadow that looks like Willan in the back of the picture, so she thinks that they might be something to do with his disappearance. Also, she notices that they don’t advertise what the lab does so she decides to go investigate. (54 words)

Clue #3: A picture of her and Willan that she doesn’t remember taking, of them at the hotel where they basically grew up at because they knew the owner and spent time helping customers and exploring the hallways of the older building. She realizes that somebody must have left this picture for her and goes to the hotel to perhaps find Willan hiding with the help of the owner that they knew. (70 words)

Part 3 || Greetings, wanderer - and welcome to the third part of this weekly! Find yourself a partner, and together embark upon an interview. One of you can claim the role of a witness to a crime, whereas the other can wield the power of an interviewer. Go ahead and ask the most ridiculous questions, and answer with the most unexpected responses! Once you’ve completed your interview, it’s time to jot down your conversation. To move onto the next part of this weekly, write 200 words per person for this activity. Have fun with this - after all, every witness carries a small piece of the truth ;D (This is incomplete due to the fact I have to leave early) || 201/200 words (not including telling who is speaking or any of Em’s dialogue.)

Interviewer (Kiara): Well hello there. I assume you know what you are here for?

Witness (Em): I actually don't… where am I? The last thing I remember was- wait I can't say that, sorry. Is there a particular reason why you're asking me this? I'm afraid that I totally have nothing to do with whatever strange scenario has happened. *cough cough* arson *cough cough*

Interviewer (Kiara): The fire that has affected many SWC-ers was set off near where you were last known to be located. Please tell us - as it is important to finding the culprit - all that you remember of the time. All we have discovered so far is a mango, which was located near the scene of the crime.

Witness (Em): Oh, that must be our gang's symbol- I mean I have no idea what a mango is, what's a mango? I briefly recall an explosion, but that was it. I remember seeing people, and that they set the fire, and it's all the truth, I swear.

Interviewer (Kiara): Oh, so you admit you were part of the gang that set off the fire? And there was an explosion… interesting … Do you happen to know anything about why the fire was set off in the main cabin?

Witness (Em): well all I know is that I um… overheard… some people talking about a mango-powered gasoline explosion that would send the main cabin into chaos. And no, I'm not in a gang! What's a gang? There would be no reason as to why I'd be in a gang, other than being first in the leaderboard…

Interviewer (Kiara):Hm… so you know a surprising amount of information for an innocent witness. Do you happen to know any of the people involved in the explosion? And where is the supply of mangoes coming from?

Witness (Em): Well, I was just near enough to hear all of it, that's it. There's nothing suspicious about that, right? I'm not exactly sure, but I know that they were probably part of a gang, and that the mangoes were illegally traded in through a strange black market. If I give you everything I know, can I be free? I only know so much because I just /happened/ to be there when the explosion took place, if you're wondering.

Interviewer (Kiara): The information you have given me so far seems to be fairy accurate from what the rest of our team has been finding… Even if it doesn’t seem entirely complete… If you tell us everything that you know about anything that may be related to the incident, then we will conclude the interview and let you be on your way.

Part 4 || Welcome, detectives, to the final part of this splendiforous weekly! For your fourth activity, you’ll be combining everything you’ve worked on in previous parts into a longer piece. Using your plot points, red herrings, clues, and evidence from the witness interview, write a mystery scene of at least 550 words. You can go about this however you’d like: it could be a snippet of a longer work or its own self-contained story. Make it gripping, make it exciting, make it page-turning (or in this case, screen-scrolling?), and above all, make it mysterious ;D Best of luck, sleuths, and remember to have fun! (This is incomplete and not done very well, I was rushing this in thirty minutes that I had before I had to go to bed </3) || 634/550 words

When the news came from the main town, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

”Willan WHAT?” I asked, turning to my friend Lilac, who had delivered the news.

“I’m sorry, Ev. We just found his car. It looks like he was driving up the road and veered too far to the right. There was no body, but the car cr@shed at the bottom of the canyon.”

I put down my phone -where I had been looking into ars0n mangoes that had wrecked the main cabin- and started to panic.

”There is no way that Willan would be driving. Lilac, you know him as well as I do and know that he would never be caught in a car ever.”

Lilac nodded, her gentle brown waves cut into a bob bouncing on either side of her head. Her eyes were startlingly blue, and her skin was tanned with small freckles on either side of her nose. She was a reporter, or at least wanted to be one. Both of her parents were well-known news reporters, and she thought that this might be her big break, I’m pretty sure.

And me and Willan have been cheering her on for forever on her dreams. My only qualm was that she was going to make her big break off of the end of Willan.

”Do you want to get your recording stuff out? I’m sure if we cover this story quickly enough you can get the story out to your parent’s networks before any other news.”

Lilac looked at me like I was crazy. “Are you kidding? Our friend just d!ed, and you are asking if I want my recording equipment?”

I looked away, trying to hide the tears that were threatening to come spilling out. “You don’t know that. There’s a possibility that he’s still out there. That the car was a ploy for… something.”

Willan wasn’t a thrill seeker, or an attention seeker either. He seemed just like a… regular teenage boy. Athletic, competitive, funny, kind, smart… he was everything. He was our best friend. Now he’s…

I shook my head, hard, to clear my brain of intrusive thoughts. There was no way that Willan was d3@d. That wasn’t him. He valued life too much.

There had to be some other explanation, I thought desperately, trying to keep breathing. In and out. In and out.

I turned to Lilac, swallowing hard. “Looks like we might have a mystery to solve.”

”But what leads do we have? As far as I know there is nothing.”

I thought for a moment. “Do you know where his car cr@shed? We could go down there and see if there is anything. And then we could go to his parents…” A thought dawned on me, “Do they know?”

”I informed the police. I assume they’ve told the two of them by now.”

No… oh no… I loved Willan’s parents, they were some of my favorite people. But this was going to crush them.

I tucked my phone into my pocket, promising to deal with ars0n mangoes another time, and grabbed my backpack and a coat and headed out the door, but not before stopping to tell my parents I was going down to the canyon. I trust they hadn’t heard about Willan yet, and I wasn’t going to tell them now.

I met up with Lilac outside and we got in her car and she drove us to where Willan had cr@shed. We stumbled down the hill, and I felt my ankle get caught and I tripped and fell down the hill, running into things and getting twigs caught in my hair. When I finally stopped, I ran into a briefcase that was lying on the ground. I took it, my eyes looking over it.

Hallo! I don't know what to do for my next game, I want to do a platformer but I have absolutely no idea how to make one and the tutorials I've tried don't work or are too confusing (Yes, I've watched Griffpatch.). I'm not that good at making games so maybe give me something a wee bit easy.
sibayuu sibayuu loading

TheGreatYo-Kai wrote:

This level is possible.


I can't beat this level. Can you give me a replay code?
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

Hello there.
gEnErAl KenObI!? yOu ArE a BaLd OnE!!!

“Oh no, my hair! Where’d it go this time!?”
i'm glad to see that so many people here still care about gd!

anyway, anyone got any fun level recommendations that use the swingcopter? i'm noticing a weird lack of usage when it comes to it being in levels at the moment

ilovestories wrote:

BringUpYourPost wrote:

Oh I recently delete all of my cubeupload images and for some reasons just-a-hriday is hosting my version not yours….
Does he have the link to Ash's?
(Sorry if that's not his nickname, I've seen him called that.)
That is indeed what i prefer to be called
54387a 54387a loading
Can you please take a screenshot of you getting muted from that and put it on a whitelisted image host, such as cubeupload? I want it there because what you typed here isn't enough as if it did trigger the comment filter, it will also trigger the forum filter. It's actually because that specific chatting app is a 13+ one with private messaging and Scratch doesn't want to be responsible for anything bad happening to someone who's under 13 because of that chatting app.
I would like to help. I am a kind and helpful Scratcher. Thank you for reading this.
pls make me curater I'm active during evening and really active on the weekends\

when green flag clicked
if <> then
<key [ ItsWindyCodes a curater] pressed?>
_WOFDOG_ _WOFDOG_ loading

AcePilot19 wrote:

Am I the only one whose Scratch mail randomly shows you notifications from five days ago?
No, that happens to me too. In fact, I check it, THE ORANGE DOT DISSAPEARS FROM 3.0 PAGES, and then, a few days later, there they are again, as if there new.
ArgyleE1 ArgyleE1 loading

Optimusfreakingprime wrote:

Obviously we need Optimus, Bumblebee, ratchet, ironhide, jazz.

(maybe Arcee)
Oh, you’re talking about the transformers movie? We should talk about that in a new forum for it, so it doesn’t get confusing

“What!? When was Optimus Prime in Warframe?!” *drunk noises*
Xzillox Xzillox loading

MagicCoder330 wrote:

Xzillox wrote:

randomguy3513 wrote:

If I'm not mistaken, an “other” option on profile reports has been rejected because people would use it to report comments and stuff instead of directly reporting those (not in TOLORS though).

Also, I would not want a new profile report UI because you can drag the current one and I think that's really cool. The 3.0 report UI doesn't have that.

That is a good point. Could you provide me a link to the forum post that says it isn't allowed, though?
Here's a rejection post that I found. It's old, but it seems like it's still rejected today.

cactus-cacti wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

starlightsparker wrote:

technically this is already being implemented. The profile page is still scratchr2/scratch-2.0 which is why report doesn’t match the main site. Scratch will eventually one day update it to 3.0 so this is already planned on being implemented.
This was kinda ignored
it just seemed like a regular reason to not support, so there didn’t seem to be any reason to respond
It's actually more of a reason for the topic to be closed because there's no point in suggesting something that's already being implemented.

AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

HexagonWorld wrote:

Issue 3 is the last chance you have for song suggestions so give me some.
What’s the mood?
All Star? Captain Chicken? The Dumb Song?
Nevermind, I found a song.
This level isn't possible: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000GGGGGGGGGGGG0000000000G000F000000000000G0000000000000000G00000000000G00GGG00000000000G00G0000000000000GGGG000000000000041Impossible The way it works is I found a glitch where you can place blocks while playing.
Waddle25 Waddle25 loading

-Silentstar wrote:

That’s what this forum is for
There was a typo, I meant to do random frame drops and crashes, but autocorrect somehow messed it up.
-WildClan- -WildClan- loading
Just before sunrise.
The first pale rays of dawn pool shyly upon the landscape, trickling down the mountains and flowing into the rivers. The rain was subsiding, only the faintest mist still drifting lazily down from the sky. Tiny droplets settle upon your glasses and blur your vision. An unfocused, subtle haze over everything, no sharp lines, no clearly-defined edges. No end.
You absentmindedly strum your guitar as you wend your way among the sleeping trees, sending a few wondering notes into the crisp, dewy air. The sky is heavy today, but it is a comforting weight, and one you do not mind bearing.
Reaching the old railroad, its once gleaming rails now weary, corroded by time and weather, you turn and walk along it in parallel, a wanderer, forever moving, passing through. Weeds sprout up between the bars, and wildflowers patiently await the rising sun.
The tracks lead up through the hills, and you follow. The dewdrops glitter on the grass, liquid light and golden air. The world has not yet woken up, the birds themselves only just beginning to open their beaks and chirp the morning into existence. But maybe there are others out there, quietly hiding from sleep, residing in daydreams, walking their own roads. This is an in-between time, neither day nor night, here nor there. It belongs to the drifters, to the ones who make the horizon their home. To the ones who keep going.
Your mind wanders with your feet, never really sure where you’re going. You don’t need to know. You are who you are and that is all that really matters. Made of light and shadow and calm, deep waters. And memories, yes, but not regrets. Faded and bittersweet, a shelter built of old photographs of younger days and long-forgotten words and stars so close you could touch them.
They carry you onward and you keep moving, a never-ending journey.

Have you ever wanted to take care of your own item label peepy? well know you can! (digital way) in my pet peepy! a game i made with many things you can do! you can feed your peepy, give your peepy toys, and get into wacky shenanigans! and i update the game every week! unless for some reason i don't. so what you waiting for? enough of me yapping (i regret saying that) go check it out if you want too!

if you wanna hear about updates, releases, and projects i'm working on, feel free to check here on the forms for stuff like that if your interested!
So i'm working on a platformer and i'm currently working on the death system. For drawing stuff i use a weird hybrid of stamp and sprite-based drawing, i update the sprite's positions using broadcasts and move them to front every time as if it was stamped, just makes it easier to order the layers correctly. Ironically enough, the layers are not ordering correctly, making the player go in front of everything else after dying and then respawning, but then fixing itself after pressing the green flag and i'm completely stumped. All of the ordering is done each frame and the same code is used before and after respawning, so i really don't know what could be causing this. I think my code is pretty self-explanatory, but if you want to help out and don't understand why i did something some way and how it works, please feel absolutely free to ask. thanks in advance.

DerpyPig03 wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

AbeHe wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Started work on the script. It starts with a “montage” to introduce each member. I'm stuck on the one for Jubilee. Any ideas?
That honestly feels a bit cliched at this point
Yeah because it’s efficient.

It’s quick and shows each character. Also I still need help with that panel.

Should I share the script so far?
Anybody? I kinda want an answer soon since I’m going camping with very little internet access.
Sorry I got nothin.
Okay I’ll brain storm.
you need an intro for Jubilee? really depends on a lot of factors. What is her arc? Is she young (like most interpretations) or is she an adult? Should she be shown as a civilian or as a hero?

depending on your answers to those questions, you could do any numbers of things. My mind defaults to fighting criminals at a mall or rock concert
Still figuring that out a bit, I have specifics for the other members but Jubilee’s is in the air right now (same goes for Hank’s) She is the youngest on the team but all the main X-Men are adults. Civilian, most of the X-Men have given up crime fighting for the time being.
CST1229 CST1229 loading
Yes, if a loop only runs non-screen refreshing blocks (e.g set variable blocks; Motion etc. blocks refresh the screen), and no other screen-refreshing blocks have ran in any other script, the loop will run as fast as possible. Though you do have a turn block and wait blocks in the script so idk.