co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

my gd hot takes:
-geometrical dominator sucks
-robtop 100% chose generation retro because of the boss fight
-2.2 wait kept the game alive
-list demons should be judged based on layout
-spaceuk does not deserve so much hate
-pusab police absolutely sucks
-gd colon shouldn't have made tile size inconistent, it would have been better for super gd gem hunt 64 without it. to quote a wise punctuation mark, its not a mechanic, its a gimmick
1: No.
2: I can see that, he also thought it was creative, even if he knew it was a bit scuffed
3: Colon would support this hot take, he also was on Team 2.2 Will Make The Game Worse.
4: Excluding memory demons, this is probably very good
5: No.
6: I think it's funny, plus it's a very old joke, and no one really is part of it now
7: IDK what this means (and I love super gd gem hunt 64)
1: i dont see whats so good about it
2. robtop probably didnt care about the other stuff
5: space would have never gotten caught if he attached a clicking sound to his macro
6: its irrelevant
7: im talking about super gd gem hunt 64 (also, if you dont know the whole “gimmick” thing, watch colon's gd mechanics vid)