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butterbar19 wrote:

I am trying to make a health bar using clones of a sliver, much like seen in this project.
However, I am trying to make a game much like Dark Souls, in which the health bar's maximum capacity can expand and shrink visibly depending on the player's stats.

I've been able to make a block to create the bar, but the biggest problem I've run into is deleting all of the clones to reset the bar. I still can't wrap my head around how to do this, or to make motion in the bar (not completely necessary.)

Does anyone know how to mass delete all of a sprite's clones, or even a better way to create an expandable health bar? (Pen is not an option.)

Thank you!
YES I'VE DONE IT prefer to use pen but booya
You just gotta immediately delete the clones after a ‘wait 0 secs’ block.