Draked12 wrote:

-FlamingFire-12 wrote:

Draked12 wrote:

alright, i properly tested with the saving script, it was fixed:
add (amplified code) to [list v]
wait (0.1) secs
replace item (4 v) of [list v] with (amplified code)

add (amplified code) to [list v]
repeat (4)
wait (0) secs
replace item (4 v) of [list v] with (amplified code)

This is the script. 4/30 (Typical scratch running rate in FPS) is greater than 0.1
the reapeat 4 times, wait 0 second block dont work, it only works if you do a wait 0.1 second block
add () to [list v]
wait (0.1333) secs
replace item (4 v) of [list v] with (amplified code)