melodic- melodic- loading
“ i saw a sign, or an omen .. ”

table of contents
. about me
. dazzling's personality
. dazzle's identity + disabilities
. possible arcs??
. views on things ( + how she'll see / interact w tourmaline! )
. trivia !
. conclusion

“ on the branches, in the morning … ”

about me

hi there, bug !! ( i assume it's you who'll be reading it HGSTJS )
we're already introduced but further, i'm mel! i'm an avid reader and writer fueled by my love of battle kittes - and non-battle ones, i'm a proud owner of three cats myself! - as well as being an amateur artist, chef, and cyclist. i'd say my favorite thing in life is music, and i'm a strong believer that water is indeed wet. /lh <3

“ it was right after i… ”

dazzlingkit's personality!

basic overview:

positives ; loyal, respectful, empathetic, trustworthy
neutrals ; modest, creative, insomniac, fatalist
negatives ; overthinker, self-deprecating, anxious, cynical

detailed blurb:

Dazzlingkit is, to the outside eye, ever a princess, usually adorned in flowers she collects and replaces before they're wilted. She's a strong believer in both fate and StarClan, hoping desperately that they or karma will see her good deeds and reward them. She'll be on the lookout for omens, An extremely empathetic cat, often finding herself feeling whatever the cats around her are, especially if it's a strong emotion. Going off of this she's pretty easily swayed, tending to be quite the agreeable cat who puts others' need before herself. She's introverted at heart but usually won't shy away from tasks, wanting to be as responsible and helpful as possible. She loves her Clan and her home and couldn't imagine herself anywhere else, extremely loyal to her family and friends. A huge perfectionist, Dazzle often finds herself critiquing the work of - usually herself - and won't stop a task until she deems it's good enough… which is a hard feat to achieve. She holds herself to a high standard, believing she won't reach her full potential unless she does. She tries her best to be perfect at least on the outside, usually staying awake at night to contemplate what she should have said or what she needs to fix about herself. That being said she tries to keep herself in a positive mindset, probably prone to saying something like “everything happens for a reason.” Dazzlingkit is ever-creative, which seems positive in theory because she's always ready to entertain herself, but she's usually to nervous to share her stories with the world. With this creativity comes the overthinking, she'll analyze everything you say to the point she's worried she did something wrong based on where your paw's positioned or how you inflect your t's. She tries her best to only participate in things she's confident she won't make herself a fool, often learning by watching and observing than being hands-on. With this she's very perceptive, learning the tells of a lie and the way you speak. She's incredibly a hopeless romantic, wishing nothing more than to find someone who could write the fantasy in her mind in real life.

“ lost a friend without warning. ”

identity + disabilities

final identity: panromantic omnisexual
pronouns: she/her until at least apprenticeship, maybe she/ae or she/fae after that !

disorders applied: synesthesia, three types: lexical-gustatory synesthesia, which is the sensation of tasting words, chromesthesia, which is being able to see certain sounds, and mirror-touch which is being able to feel the ‘ghost’ of a touch when you see two cats doing that action.

how will this affect her?: For Dazzlingkit, her synesthesia will be primarily be associated with names and certain cats. For example, each cats' name will have a certain taste, and that's what she associates first with that cat. Each cat will also have a certain color their voice appears to Dazzlingkit, and this is something she'll share with them once she deems them close to her - because she finds it's their ‘soul color,’ or a color that really represents them. For Dazzlingkit, she'd say that she finds her synesthesia an asset, for the most part - apart for unpleasant tasting words, she likes her seeing of sounds because she thinks it allows her to see a lot about a cat based on what she sees, providing a kind of insight for her. As for mirror-touch it makes her uneasy, especially seeing two cats hug or do something close. It reminds her of how lonely she is, even if she knows she's truly not.

research: for research, i mostly used true stories + blogs + videos of people who do have these types of synesthesia, because i think that helps me accurately roleplay them best. i did have a couple links, though.. here's a few of them that i used!


“ words unsaid, ”

plot ideas!

“ fate ” falling apart
as i've mentioned about dazzle, she's a strong believer in fate and karma, as well as starclan. if ever one of her friends or family members were to die, i think she'd go into an arc where she'd really be questioning this. she'd rebel against starclan at least for a while, possibly becoming distant as she doesn't think she did anything to deserve someone she loves to die. i think she'd eventually come around, although with less reliance on karma and fate - she'd still believe in it, specifically in soulmates, but she'd work harder to be independent and make /sure/ never to say something like ‘everything happens for a reason’ as she doesn't want anyone to have to go into losing a loved one believing it was for the best.

sibling trip ??
dazzling would for sure be really invested in family and friend bonds, trying to make sure everyone - especially her family - stays together and close. during apprenticeship or maybe earlier warriorhood, she'd begin to feel her siblings drift apart and become anxious about it. she'd realize she needed to do something about it, possibly organizing a trip with boops, ori, and kal to somewhere away from the clans so that they could take the time to get to know each other again.

not romeo + juliet
as soon as dazzlingkit reached apprenticeship, she'd go into search for a soulmate. my imagination is that she'd find someone who wasn't a good match and she /knew/ it, but she'd try her very best to keep them together because she wants so desperately to fall in love, to find someone. i think she'd come out of that more careful, maybe developing some kind of trust issues when it came to that.

“ scarlet - red, ”

views on things

dazzlingkit would be extremely close to tourmaline, if that's possible, striving to be a kit she loves and is /proud/ of, someone she can confide in. i think during kithood dazzle would try to be the least hassle possible to her mother, especially with all the kits who dazzle'd think were more high-maintenance then her, so she'd try to be as good of a kid as possible. if ever an issue showed up she'd side with her mother, probably asking if she'd need anything else.
as dazzlingkit got older, she'd make more of an effort to connect with her mother, especially once she became a warrior. tourmalineshimmer'd be the first cat she'd go to for any problem or if she needed advice, but that's something she'd need to grow into as she doesn't want to come off as a burden.
i think that if dazzle ever had kits, she'd make sure they formed a close bond with tourmaline, as kin and family are probably one of the most important things to her <3

dazzlingkit /loves/ her siblings. and she wants nothing more than for them to love her, she'll be a kind of therapist or advice-offerer, wanting to be someone her siblings can lean on and truly trust. like i mentioned in plots, dazzle'd be sure to try and keep their bond past kithood, probably organizing outings with them as they grew older.
she desperately hopes they have kits and will probably remind them of that, believing she'd be a great auntie and wanting to prove it.

riverclan is dazzlingkit's home and nothing could ever change that. she's loyal and she loves her home, although she has nothing against anyone who moves - she's envious of that freedom, however she simply knows that's not something she'd ever be able to do.
she enjoys fish and she loves swimming, and however basic those are she knows it's more than that… it's the clan's whole essence, and she knows if anything ever /did/ happen to her clan she wouldn't be able to move to a different one.

one to fall fast and hard, dazzle wants nothing more than a romeo-and-juliet scenario ending in them moving into riverclan and getting their happy-ever-after.
she believes in fairytales and fate, hoping one day she'll find the souldmate she knows is out there somewhere.
because of this she'll also probably be pretty protective of her siblings especially in relationships, believing that they don't deserve them - something she'll warn them of, probably.

“ cardinal, are you bringing me a message from the other side? ”


hogwarts house: ravenclaw-hufflepuff
myers-briggs: isfp
favorite prey: fish
biggest fear: losing a loved one
greatest wish: to find her soulmate
favorite color: lavender
speaking quirk: talks almost poetically, flowery
disney princess: rapunzel
theme song: cardinal by kacey musgraves
voice claim: lyn lapid

“ cardinal, are you telling me i'm on somebody's mind? ”


bug, thank you /so much/ for allowing me to do this!! ever since i saw little ditz i fell in love with her design, leading me to comment on your profile… well. i'm honored to have a second chance. <333