-By_Jose- -By_Jose- loading
Hello Ceebee, today I would like to propose my study that is about Football/Soccer and I think it is a good idea to be a featured study, why? You will wonder. Well, I think it is a good study in all areas, it is a friendly and attractive topic for most people, for many it is one of their favorite topics, it would be very good to share projects and debate in addition there are not many projects about football and this would make more scratchers encouraged to do projects, it would be a dream that I achieve it, because I tried very hard to do that study, I hope you consider it, these are more reasons why I would like and the expectations to meet that my studio is features.

-Many curators

-Fear but active Managers

-Striking description

-Simple and eye-catching title

-Specific topic

-Not everyone can add projects


I hope you take my study into account: here is the link to my study: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34852340/

Thank you

-Scratch On