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p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Until this suggestion is implemented (if it is), here's a workaround:

when I start as a clone
set [clone? v] to [True] //Make sure this variable is set for "this sprite only", and the normal sprite has this value set to false.

when I receive [change costumes v]
if <(clone?) = [True]> then
next costume[/quote]
[quote=p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-]Until this suggestion is implemented (if it is), here's a workaround:

when I start as a clone
set [clone? v] to [True] //Make sure this variable is set for "this sprite only", and the normal sprite has this value set to false.

when I receive [change costumes v]
if <(clone?) = [True]> then
next costume[/quote]

Ty for telling me this I tested it out and it works!!!