skekanatat skekanatat loading
ok so i KNOW that the data.pak isnt allowing any more viruses but i- wait a minute

Meet A.N.T.I !!!!! (i havent decided yet what their name stands for lol)

basically: a biomechanical anti-virus/malware cuttlefish guy made to locate and delete viruses/malicious programs
- crye hates this guy (they know each other kind of not really)
- theyre actually very polite
- will be offended if you call them a virus
- they can become little cuttlefish and shoot glitchy blue goop and swim around in it like… like… like splatoon… spalton…
- i spent way too long making this guy please like it im so artistically exhausted
- anti vs crye epic battle when
- cannon hand can become a buncha things (including party popper, confetti sold separately)
- digital police wee woo wee woo
- built-in maintenance ai named vera

“Objectives have been updated.”
“Former objective (Primary):
“New objective (Primary):
“Syncing updated objectives to unit
A.N.T.I …”
“Sync successful.”

“Good afternoon! My name is A.N.T.I, and I have been ordered to delete you. Please do not struggle!”