-Squiggle -Squiggle loading
Autism Awareness / Acceptance Month 2024


We're super excited for April this year!
We loved last year's Autism Awareness / Acceptance Month studio so we decided to celebrate again this year.
Provides an interesting prompt that inspires Scratchers to be creative and make projects (includes some project ideas + a list of autism-month-themed prompts in the “Ways to take part” section, and also a focused theme of “autism and identity”)
Is focused on a specific project type or topic (autism awareness and acceptance! there are some other studios this year centered around neurodiversity acceptance in general, which may seem more inclusive, but autism awareness/acceptance month in particular is important too as its own celebration)
Has at least one active manager, but not tons of managers (several active managers, who helped plan the studio)
Has fewer than 100 projects (3 projects and counting)
Has at least 2 projects that serve as good examples of what can go in the studio (all projects are good examples)
Invites anyone to ask for their project to be added by a curator. (included in the “Adding projects” section)