March 29th Daily

When I was younger, I was taught that words have power. That just a single one of them could be enough to change everything. When I was younger, they told me to be careful of what I said, told me to think before I spoke. Because words can have the wrong effect. They’re unreliable.

As I’ve figured out from my own time, from writing and such, it’s more true than you’d think. They mean something, words do. But I know better than anyone that the words fail you, and they will and have time and time again. Some things are better not put into words. Some things are better to be left unsaid and unwritten.

There are times when you should keep them far away from others, when the words should only ever live in the back of your mind, never voiced, never anything more than a whisper, a wisp, a faded, crushed part of you. Words have power. They can be beautiful. But they can be ugly. It’s just a matter of how you use them.

If you really think about it, that’s true most of the time. There are so many points in time where it’s been better to just be quiet and let the words pass until they no longer have any meaning. Better not to let the ones with the possibility of carrying the wrong meaning escape from you without your notice because they most certainly will not pass quite so unnoticed outside.

So often, it’s far more important to keep the peace and let them, the words be forgotten. You don’t know what you’re risking with them, at least, not in the moment.

I should have realized this earlier, should have guarded my words far more carefully than I did. I should have thought before I spoke, been careful of what I said. I should have kept them closer to me and never let them go, but I did, I did, I did, and now, I’m not the only one paying for them. So many ‘should’ve”s. Better to be quiet. They’re not worth the risk.

Now, I swallow down all my words and hope that the ones I write will be enough.
Word count: 368 words