among_us1w2 among_us1w2 loading

starlightsparker wrote:

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

Blue_Moon2607 wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

Blue_Moon2607 wrote:

NOTE: Guys let's not make the replies too critical, I don't care if the idea is rejected.
if its rejected then they are gonna be so critical
isn't this implemented?
Being too critical doesn't follow the Community Guidelines, as a result of Scratchers being discouraged, let's not talk about one.
Being critical does follow the community guidelines as long as its respectful. As long as we don't attack you or anything related to you and only discuss the suggestion itself, its all ok.

The whole point of the suggestions forums is to discuss about the the suggestions, if we don't be critical, then won't we possibly miss out on a flaw a suggestion might have?
For example, saying
“This suggestion is kinda dumb (insert reason here)”
Is okay, but
“You’re dumb”
Is not okay.

Because criticizing the suggestion isn’t the same as criticizing the suggestor