These are some honest ways to get views:

1. The Show and Tell forum.

While not all topics created there get views, some get quite popular.

2. Adding to studios.

You can add your projects to Add Everything studios or other studios that your project relates to (like a project about dinosaurs going into a studio about dinosaurs would be okay, but a project about apples would not).

3. Creating studios.

Some people create studios with a link to their project in them, their project is added to the studio, etc., and they invite their followers or other users to the studio.

4. Tags

You can add tags to your project so that they might end up on the explore page. Be sure to only add tags to your project that are relevant. For example, a project with no art could not have a #art hashtag. Also, do not tagspam. Tagspamming is repeatedly putting in the same tag. Use tags by going to the project title or description, putting in a hashtag sign (#), and adding a relevant keyword.

5. SDS

The SDS, or Scratch Design Studio, is a good way to get views. Just make a project that fits the theme and ask in a comment for a curator to add it. (You might get frontpaged by doing this.) Here's a link to the current SDS:

Here is another topic by Suspenders101 that can offer some other tips: .