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moss-shadow wrote:

There's a really serious, illegal thing happening right now that I've been reporting, and by illegal, I mean kids CAN'T be exposed to this on a kid's site, but it's been several days and several kids have already seen it, but I've reported these things like every day, but they're still not down. I've even emailed ScratchTeam about it, but they're still up and exposing kids to very gross words.

I'm wondering if there's any way to get these projects/comments taken down faster because ST leaving them up is exposing more and more children to these adult topics.
The only way this can be done is if you contact the Scratch team somehow, and the only way this can be done is through their Scratch profile, Contact Us and Reporting. So if you have alrighty done that, all you can do is, without spamming of course, resend those messages.