BigNate469 BigNate469 loading

ABC124816 wrote:

BigNate469 wrote:

You should also change the script that spawns the player when they hit a spike, lava or the edge to use the coordinates of the edge, rather than
<touching [edge v] ?>
I'm noticing that when you come down too hard on a spring or the ground that this script tends to be triggered before the ones that would push you out of the ground.
Ah, I think it must be because the velocity is so great that between frames it just goes right through without touching the color in question! Strange though, I only encountered it once and put a limit on the falling velocity and x velocity to prevent it, and I never saw it happen again. Are you positive it is there? I can't reduce the limit too much otherwise the falling will become unrealistic.
Actually, probably the best thing you can do is merge the two forever loops into one- just put the scripts that respawn the player at the bottom. That way, you know what happens first .