PyraEthan12 PyraEthan12 loading

GlitchedThrough wrote:

PyraEthan12 wrote:

GlitchedThrough wrote:

PyraEthan12 wrote:

This topic should have been closed eons ago, as my self and lost’s of other people have given correct answers. This topic is still open for incompetent people continuing on the topic, refusing to take this stuff as an answer.
It's a valid suggestion. Not a question.
Times change, and this has not been rejected. And no, talk on why it was removed isn't a reason for rejection.
Scratch can make it into the App Store, as it's exempt to the reason it was initially removed.
Additionally, quit acting like others who give a different answer, or discuss differently, are incompetent.
“Who Discuss Differently” pfff this topic has already been answered, there are only two definitive answers, from both NOW and back THEN.
Did you not look at the subforum? This ain't a question. It's a suggestion. Ain't no answer.
Are you viewing your answer as Gospel? Are you saying that Scratch isn't an exemption to the rule that got it removed in the first place? Are you saying that it's ineligible for being added to the App Store?
All of the above are false. You haven't the power to reject a suggestion.
You’re speaking as you have higher authority than me, but that is far from true. Are you taking an answer as a suggestion? Do you not believe that a definitive answer is possible? There is answers to everything in life and this was answered eons ago.