March 27 Daily
302 words

google translated lyrics of Humming by Branches

Extend the handle and hold it with your fingers.
There is no faith.
Fill in the page with your own words.
This room is like an escape from the office.
he shouted, throwing up his hands.
The blue sky is full of laughter
My ears started talking and I lost everything
Now all the rain is in front of me.
I grabbed her lips and started kissing her.
Your breath is a beautiful song
He stepped in and took a deep breath
Payment is fast and cheap
We started breathing clouds through our mouths.
Make peace with the king! Make peace with the king!
The rain cleared our doubts
Make peace with the king! Make peace with the king!
Simple, simple, simple
The song “I'm afraid of the rain”.
Make peace with the king! Make peace with the king!
Yoon-deo learns to sing
Make peace with the king! Make peace with the king!
Simple, simple, simple
(gah this turned out more romantic than i usually write)

She turned her head to look at me and whispered, “I’m afraid of the rain.”
Laughing, I squeezed her hand and asked, “Why?”
She looked back out to the roof filled horizon. “I don’t want to get wet.”
We sat in silence as the storm clouds drew closer.
“Bad day to be sitting on the roof then,” I finally remarked.
She raised her eyebrows at me as thunder rumbled in the distance.
“Really bad day,” I corrected.
She huddled closer to me as we tried to swing our legs in sync, beat-up sneakers occasionally thumping on the siding of the house.
“What if we get wet?” she whispered.
A drop of rain hit my nose, and I grinned at her. “Then we better go inside.”
We watched the rain hit the roofs of the houses, little dark spots speckling the shingles and growing more frequent.
She turned to me. “I don’t want to go inside.”
It began to rain harder, and she squeezed my hand.
“If we go, then you have to leave.” She looked up at me with her big full moon eyes. “I don’t want you to leave.”
Well, how about that?
I grinned and tugged off my jacket. “Then I’ll keep you dry.”
And as we huddled under the faded denim, she kissed me, shy and fast.
The percussion of thunder and raindrops filled my mind, and for a moment I couldn’t think. Finally, I whispered to her, grinning as the rain plastered her bangs to her forehead, “Are you afraid of getting wet now?”
She tilted her head, watching the rain touch the earth, the houses, the cars. “Not so much anymore.”
I smiled, and we sat there on the roof, sopping wet and roosted between the gable windows, content to watch the storm in its element.