yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

CRAZY_Clayton wrote:

yadayadayadagoodbye wrote:

One is a like button, one is a favorite button. The like button is meant to represent that you enjoyed the project, while the favorite is meant to showcase the project on your profile towards others. Its the difference between saying “I like your hat” and putting a “I like your hat” bumper sticker on your car.

Yeah but whichever one you use it show up on your profile anyway (also if you read that whole thing, then you are the most patient person I’ve probably ever met lmao)
The love button only shows up temporarily (just like if I was to say “I like your hat”, people who are currently nearby would hear it, but not anyone who comes after), the favorite button shows it permanently (just like if I was to put a bumper sticker about your hat being cool, people would always be able to see it if they came)

Really? I thought it did it no matter what