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Daily 27/03

The sky does not belong to anyone.
You will understand after trying
Hell is not under our feet
There is nothing higher than the sky.
Everything has a purpose
the right way
This is the situation.
No time to think.
It doesn't matter now
Only in special cases

The vast sky above us holds a mystery that transcends ownership. It's a reminder of the infinite beauty and wonder that surrounds us, a constant presence that we gaze upon with awe and curiosity. Those who have tried to understand its secrets know that it holds more than meets the eye, that it is a realm of endless possibilities waiting to be explored. The idea that hell is not under our feet challenges our preconceived notions of what lies beneath us; it suggests that darkness and despair are not confined to earthly realms but can extend beyond our physical existence. In contemplating this notion, we come to realize that there is nothing higher than the sky, that its expanse reaches far beyond our reach and comprehension. Everything in the universe, from the smallest insect to the mightiest mountain, has a purpose in the grand scheme of things, each piece fitting together in a delicate balance that guides the flow of life. It's a reminder that there is a right way for things to unfold, a natural order that governs the world and shapes our existence. This is the situation we find ourselves in, a world full of complexities and uncertainties where every action carries weight and consequences. In this fast-paced environment, there is often no time to think, no luxury of deliberating over our choices; we must act swiftly and decisively to navigate the challenges that come our way. Yet, in the grand scheme of the universe, the intricacies of our individual lives may seem inconsequential, like a drop in the vast ocean of existence. It's a reminder that in the grand tapestry of life, our actions only truly matter in special cases, when they have the power to shape the course of history or change the world in meaningful ways. So as we look up at the boundless sky above us, let us remember that we are but small pieces in a much larger puzzle, each with our own unique role to play in the unfolding drama of the universe. And perhaps, in that realisation, we can find comfort and purpose in the knowledge that we are part of something far greater than ourselves, connected to the vast expanse of the cosmos above us.
*375 words