BigNate469 BigNate469 loading

ramenecho wrote:

BigNate469 wrote:

Or try removing the periods and replacing them with a character that your save code doesn't use, that does NOT classify as punctuation- or a word break, such as a “,”, “.”, “!”, “?”, “ ”, “-”, “+”, “=”, “(” or “)”, "“, ”{“ or ”}“, ”/“, ”\“, ”|". Mobile devices often consider these to be the end of a word, and thus don't highlight anything past them.
This still does not explain why sometimes ctrl+shift+right arrow doesn’t work and sometimes it does

BigNate469 wrote:

Also, if all of the segments in your save code are the same length, then you don't actually need a character separating them- just loop however many characters long those segments are.
What do you mean by this? Every single character in the code is used, the E and the period is scientific notation, the format im using for the game. I designed a very efficient save and load system that works perfectly, that isn’t what this discussion is about.
Try using something other than a period, like another letter, and then when you go to load changing it to a period. Idk why CTRL+SHIFT+click isn't working, probably a quirk of either your browser or scratch.

Also, I do admire the efficiency of using scientific notation in a save code. I just didn't recognize it as scientific notation earlier.