k0d3rrr k0d3rrr loading

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

When a character gets a new design, the old design becomes a separate character. That is why there are two Mega k0d3rrr's; the current one (Mega k0d3rrr), and the older one (Old Mega k0d3rrr). By this logic, there are two Strawberries, two DAV3's, two Eighties'…

Speaking of Mega k0d3rrr, a few days ago, I thought of replacing him with another character, but then I remembered that there are two versions of him, and the replacement character has only one version of themselves.
Which DAV3 was I going after??
The new one.

The old DAV3 uses Cuberoot Dave's face and holds 1's and 0's in his hands, while the new DAV3 wears a tie and has green eyes.