✩ Transaction post layout ✩

✩ Transactions:

buyernumber - stardust || sellernumber + stardust || proof

tip 1: use the url feature to shorten your links.
tip 2: paste the transaction from the comment and fill in the details by double-clicking, copying and pasting the info into the template here.

✩ Total difference

The total difference is just the total amount added or removed from each banking number on your list. This makes it much easier for the leader to update the project as they can just do each number one at a time instead of going through every transaction.

smallest number ✦ -stardust
biggest number ✦ -stardust
smallest number ✦ +stardust
biggest number ✦ +stardust

tip 1: please order your totals from lowest banking number to highest banking number.
tip 2: separate your + and - totals.

✩ Account Changes

New Member: Added {username} to {banking number}
Adding an account: Added {username} to {banking number's owner]'s account {banking number} / proof of permission
Termination: Removed {username} from {banking number} / proof / what they did with their remaining stardust

tip 1: Please separate the different actions. Put new members, adding accounts to numbers and terminations in separate lists.
tip 2: Please don't tag anyone here, just copy+paste the username.