Enigma_Ezra Enigma_Ezra loading
Username: @Enigma_Ezra
Profile link: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Enigma_Ezra/
Amount of activity from 1 - 10: 6 (available on weekdays)
What do you do: Logos, intros, banners, thumbnails (I won't take all orders, only the ones I know I can be proud of)
Examples of work (a minimum of 3): My logo, intro, thumbnails (all found on my profile)
Are you following the topic: Yes
Other: I won't be able to be online next week because I will be offline during spring break. I see that many of our customers are new to the forums and you have to help them out many times and it might impact the time you take to complete orders. Would you like me to have like a managing role to help out the new customers for you? That way you can focus on your orders.