Za-Chary wrote:

Saw the project linked above.

The specific message is a little too intense for Scratch — of course, promoting anti-bullying is fine — but this specific message seems to reference overdosing and child abuse. There's probably a better way to write this message that doesn't mention those topics.

The real guilt-tripping part probably isn't the anti-bullying message itself, but the part where it says something like “Only people with a heart will put this on their profile.” It's probably okay to make a project with the intent into “guilt-trip” people into not bullying others (as long as they're not calling out specific people), but it's not okay to guilt-trip people into putting a message on their profile, and ironically runs counter to the message's goal. (People don't need to spread any kind of message in order to “have a heart.”)

Do we report these types of projects?