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i don't even know if this stayed on track but oh well
696 words
daily for march 25th
sci-fi ftw

My Hobbit hole was cozy and inviting, a haven of peace and tranquility amidst the bustling city outside. Today was Holi, and the sun shone in through the windows, casting a warm blush of orange and yellow light on the wooden walls. I took a deep breath, savoring the fragrance of pine and earth that drifted in from the garden outside.

As I sat at my writing desk, I couldn't help but feel a sense of change in the air. The passage of time seemed to be slowing down, like the beat of a heart becoming quieter and more steady. The world around me was awash in color, from the bright blues and greens of the natural world to the rich shades of Holi-colored powders and dyes.

I looked down at my notebook, still partially covered in the color of yesterday's writing, and felt a sudden urge to turn the page. To leave the old thoughts behind and start anew. As I did, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I set my pen down, feeling a sense of renewed purpose and clarity.

I rose from my chair and strode out of my hobbit hole, eager to embrace the world outside. The city was alive with color and music, as people danced in the streets, throwing powders and dyes on each other and celebrating the arrival of spring. It was a beautiful sight, and I felt a sense of joy wash over me as I joined in the festivities.

As the day wore on and the sun began to set, I returned to my hobbit hole, feeling energized and uplifted. The world had changed around me, and I had changed with it. I pulled my notebook out once again, eager to record my thoughts on the day and the changes it had brought. I smiled to myself, realizing that Holi wasn't just a celebration of good over evil and the arrival of spring. It was also a celebration of the potential for change, for renewal, and for growth.

The idea of change was ever-present in the Holi celebrations, as people turned their attention to the natural cycle of life and death, destruction and creation. It was a reminder that everything in this world is constantly in a state of flux, and that the only constant is change itself. And as I sat in my hobbit hole, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of my cozy home, I felt a sense of gratitude for the privilege of being able to experience such a beautiful and colorful world. The future was unknown, but I was ready to embrace it, with open arms and a heart full of happiness.

As I leaned back in my chair and took a sip of tea, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The sounds of the city outside had become a distant hum, and the only sounds I could hear were the creaks and whispers of the ancient wooden beams that surrounded me.

For a moment, I felt like I was transported back in time, to a time when the world was young and the trees stood tall and proud. It was a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and change, there is always something steadfast and true to ground us.

I looked around my hobbit hole, taking in the beauty of the surrounding woods and the colorful powder still smeared on the walls from the celebrations outside. I felt grateful for the opportunity to be part of something larger than myself, and to be able to witness the changing seasons and the colorful festivals that come with them.

Holi may be the festival of color, but it's also a celebration of life and the power of change. It's a reminder that even in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, there is always hope for rebirth and renewal. And as I sat in my hobbit hole, surrounded by the beauty of the natural world, I felt a sense of gratitude for the life that I've been given, and the potential for change and growth that lies ahead.