i know people are gonna rip me to shreds for this but i use visual studio for mainly javascript
and while vs isn't meant for js, it serves its purpose better than anything else i've used
for example, i can easily make a git commit (and git is shipped with vs, which makes my life so much easier) without having to switch from Explorer to Source Control
i can also (very easily) run debugging for every project in my solution and also run the browser all at once, and while this is possible in vsc, i would much rather trade not having thousands of tabs for something that i know reliably works in a way that's intuitive
also i much prefer having all the buttons that i need available to me but also high customisation. it's also pretty useful to be able to drag a working file out into its own window (even off to a separate monitor)
so as far as i'm concerned, vs is :thumbsup: alright
