MineTurte MineTurte loading

y-no-available-user wrote:

SpyCoderX wrote:

qwertycodechamp90411 wrote:

Also guns will break the scratch tos i think
How so?

Aren’t there many projects with weaponry?

Also, smooth movement:
when green flag clicked
set [xvel v] to (0)
set [yvel v] to (0)
set [xvel v] to (((xvel)+(<key (d v) pressed?>-<key (a v) pressed?>))*(0.7))
set [yvel v] to (((yvel)+(<key (w v) pressed?>-<key (s v) pressed?>))*(0.7))
change x by (xvel)
change y by (yvel)

Just saying, the player always points towards the mouse pointer, and to make the gun point towards the mouse pointer I just have to add the point towards block, am I correct?