bdabookreader wrote:

Poor Mary ☠️

Like I get that Sherlock is this all important thing in Watson’s life, but like—
her husband forgets her a ton.
“Oh yeah! Of course I can leave in two minutes! Let me pack my bag and tell my wife
without any notice whatsoever that we’re going on a trip across Europe to run from the evil professor Moriarty!”

Like seriously, I get that it was what they were doing but how just Mary have taken all these excuses.
Like “Oh yeah, naturally you’re gonna go running around all day with your ex-flatmate.”

“Oh yep! Of course! Go out all day without telling me!”
“That note you left? More than enough to let my know that once again you’d be spending /no/ time with me.”

… I’d wouldn’t be surprised if the reason she wasn’t in Empty House was because she left Watson.
Like we all know how much of an unreliable narrator John can be—
That's so true tho