cheddargirl wrote:

I_am_Good_Scratcher wrote:

cheddargirl wrote:

8.4MB sounds like an unusually big vector file - is it a vector image you are trying to upload something that cannot be replicated in the current Scratch editor? If it uses things that the current Scratch 3.0 editor does not have (e.g. textures, specialized shapes, subpaths), then more likely than not, the editor is going to have a brainfart moment and crash.

may or may not have found this out the hard way when I used to do QC testing on the Scratch editor back then (ಠ‿ಠ)
8.4 MB is the entire file with about 100 or more costumes
For clarification: Is this a Scratch sb3 files with a singular sprite that has 100 costumes?

Pretty much. There are over 100 costumes with high detail vector assets