ArnoHu ArnoHu loading

birdracerthree wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

S_P_A_R_T wrote:

White Dove's strange S3 bug has finally been found!

Due to the terrible S3 speed, and a minor code oversight that never caused any problems during TW, WD was actually so slow, that it didn't even finish evaluating the FIRST move of the lowest depth!

This was caused by the enormous amount of extensions, which sometimes caused WD to get to ply-8 (on Scratch 3!). This removed all performance during more tactical lines.

The new version should hopefully fix this, improve the opening book, and tweak some evaluation parameters.

Though this will take some time, I'm pretty confident this will have a massive impact on WDs S3 performance, so I want to make sure I do it right

(Also @ArnoHu , can you turn on exporting & eval in the study, as this makes it much easier to test & debug, thanks!)

Great to hear! Does this also cover the disappearing pieces? I have activated export and analysis for members, which as far as I understand means you only have to be logged in. I had run too many analysis yesterday and reached my daily quota.

I let White Dove and GoK play one more match on S3, and it was great to watch (91% vs. 97% accuracy)! Nice level for two engines running at 15 and 10 seconds think time: . White Dove will certainly move up the ranks quickly to a position where it belongs.

Funny details about lichess analysis, when importing PGN, lichess showed 3 resp. 1 blunders. But when loading the same PGN into the study, those blunders were downgraded to inaccuracies, white the overall accuracy nearly staying the same. Different SF search depth I guess?
Activating a setting for “members” means that you have to invite someone to be a member of the study. As for the blunder issue, that was most likely caused by inconsistent checkmating blunder assignments to specific moves.

Edit : 3000 posts!

OK, will do so if you tell me your lichess user names…