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Genuinely, I think I would love being a small underground-dwelling humanoid creature. I would have a den system kind of like a rabbit warren, with a bunch of tunnels leading from one “room” to the next. Assuming I’m slightly larger than a rabbit myself, the entire network might be 400 square meters. However, most of this would be outer storage areas and long passageways leading to a wide range of different exits. The core rooms where I would spend most of my time would be close together, towards the center.
The place would seem like a maze to anyone else, but it’d be familiar to me. It’d be a patchwork of different bits and pieces that I’d scavenged from elsewhere, as well as repurposed objects and various unmatching decorations. I’m a bit of a hoarder, so items relating to my hobbies and interests, as well as just random stuff in general, would be everywhere.
My main living areas would likely have a floor made of smooth stones sunk into the dirt, with soft rugs here and there. Since these rooms would be larger, the walls and ceiling would need supports to prevent them from caving in, and also some sort of insulation to keep the dampness out.
I’d have different sleeping areas for cold and hot weather because I’m assuming air conditioning and heating will have to be done without modern technology. One area can have a fireplace, with a tunnel leading to the surface for a chimney. It would be full of soft blankets and squishy pillows. The other area might be deeper underground, where it’s cooler. If possible, I’d try to make the room sloped, so that half could be filled with a pool of water and the other half would be dry for me to sleep in. I’d probably just sleep directly on the smooth stones of the floor, or, if that was too uncomfortable, a few blankets spread out over the ground.
I would have a room for preparing and eating food, linked by tunnels to different rooms where the food was stored. I’m not a huge fan of cleaning stuff, but of all my rooms, this one would be kept the neatest. My kitchen utensils would be fairly organized and I’d make sure there was a place for everything. This room would also need a chimney, because I’d be cooking things over a fire.
I’m not sure whether hobbits had modern plumbing systems, but if not, there can’t really be a bathroom… I’d probably just have to go outside.
The outer rooms would be less polished. with just dirt floors and walls. Most of them would be used for storage, both for food and my collections of stuff. In real life, I collect plastic eggs, bouncy balls, toy dinosaurs, and plush turtles. In this world, I would collect whatever the equivalents of those things are. My collections would be partially organized, partially cluttered, depending on how motivated I got to sort them.
I also like doing art and crafting, so I’d have rooms where I could make a mess with my art supplies and not have to worry about cleaning it up. There would be shelves of art supplies along the edges of these rooms so that everything was easy to access when I wanted it.
My bookshelves would need to be in a room proofed against moisture, but there are too many of them to just fit in one of the living spaces. Therefore, I’d have a specialized book room.