S_P_A_R_T S_P_A_R_T loading
White Dove's strange S3 bug has finally been found!

Due to the terrible S3 speed, and a minor code oversight that never caused any problems during TW, WD was actually so slow, that it didn't even finish evaluating the FIRST move of the lowest depth!

This was caused by the enormous amount of extensions, which sometimes caused WD to get to ply-8 (on Scratch 3!). This removed all performance during more tactical lines.

The new version should hopefully fix this, improve the opening book, and tweak some evaluation parameters.

Though this will take some time, I'm pretty confident this will have a massive impact on WDs S3 performance, so I want to make sure I do it right

(Also @ArnoHu , can you turn on exporting & eval in the study, as this makes it much easier to test & debug, thanks!)