hobbit hole

My hobbit hole would mostly be a library, full of comfy pillows and alcoves. There would be a desk with little fidget toys and trinkets around it, but still plenty of space to write and comfortable but sturdy chair so i could sit at my desk for a long time. The shelves are lined with all sorts of genres. I have many modern favorites, about also classics, spanning back as far as the epic of gilgamesh, every wall is covered in maps and family trees, and the lighting is soft and warm. Some of it comes from a remodeled old-fashioned street lamp i keep by the entryway to this room. It reminds me of narnia and makes me laugh when i think about the hijinks lewis and tolkien got into and how much tolkien hated narnia but still loved his friend. It helps me out when i need to remember that my friends can still love me and not love everything i make. In another part of my hobbit hole there is an art room, the shelves are lined with my projects and very few ever go unfinished because i don’t lose motivation the way i do now. There’s clay, paints, materials for sewing, the table is covered in many marks left by my woodcarving. My kitchen always has some delicious smell in it, and i keep my food in glass jars, there’s a very cute spice rack and a gorgeous teapot. I have comfort foods i like to cook often, but i have many cookbooks and i’m not so stressed about time, so I try new recipes a few times a week. I have a beehive just outside that I get honey from–there’s also wildflowers growing all around because I want the bees to have stuff they would naturally have– and I’m working on a vegetable garden, which i carefully tend every day. In my kitchen is a radio with all of my favorite music, because it’s always better to cook when you have music. At night I go into my bedroom which is quiet and soft. I have artwork from my friends on the walls, and copies of my own books on a small shelf. Most of these books have been published but these are my original manuscripts. My cat is on the bed and she meows when she sees me, demanding chin scratches, which i give her as I sit on my bed, content with the day and finishing up just a few more chapters of my book before a turn off the light and everything becomes that deep gray where you can see enough to navigate if your eyes adjust, but it’s still dark enough to sleep, and I close my eyes. In my hobbit hole, time moves much more slowly.