5211_jedi 5211_jedi loading
I'm a great coder and I Create great projects, yet many of the projects on trending Are broken, laggy (I have a NASA supercomputer at home,) or straight-from-scratch tutorials! I have some questions.
1. How do I gain Recognition WITHOUT advertising with links on projects so I don't get blocked(Again)
2. how can I use Another Famous Scratcher to make me famous? (Nevermind this, tried on an alt and it was a bad idea)
3. What projects do people search for the most?
4. How many likes and favorites do you need for Trending?
5. What are some good starter names for a Platformer project? (I LOVE platformers, I even made one here:
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/982273653/ )
6. How do I get a Studio famous? (My Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33060434)
And Finally…
7. Does Profile Picture count?