I furiously jumped onto the wooden crate before leaping of it whilst pushing it back to block the way, as I thrust myself into the nearest alley, flattening myself against the wall, staying on my toes until I heard their nearing footsteps behind me pass into the distance. I stayed there for a few seconds, watching the flower shop, listening to the bustling city, keeping a close eye on everyone that passed by, standing by my motive – trust no one. I fell to my knees, finally giving in to catch a few breaths before wearily eying my surroundings.

There was litter flooding all over the floor and the walls were thick with graffiti. The place smelt like my mum's burnt cottage pie left to rot in the summer for more than a month: basically, it smelt BAD. I turned my focus to the back wall of the alley, though there didn’t seem to be one. In its place was darkness, a never-ending void of darkness, that seemed to claw into my brain, reaching for my worst nightmares. I shook my head. I’m not afraid of the dark, I’ve never been afraid of the dark. But this dark sent shivers down my spine.

With trembling hands, I reached into my pocket, feeling for the comforting handle of my torchlight. *click* the satisfying noise of the light turning on echoed in the deafening silence. Pointing my torch towards the black, I plastered on a worried face. The light seemed to give little, if any impact on the void of darkness at all. It was like a thick, stubborn fog, slowly wrapping itself around me, choking me in its foulness, forcing me into its evil layer.

Just as those thoughts engulfed me, I heard a sound from deep within the alley. Ok, this is too hard to ignore now. I took a deep breath and walked right into the darkness, regretting all my life decisions. The sound sounded again, then, all of a sudden something happened. Something which I cannot describe, but I will do my best. I seemed to have collapsed to the floor as the darkness became darker, my thoughts seemed to disintegrate. That was when all consciousness I had was gone…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My eyelids seemed like led, as I reluctantly opened my eyes to a flash of white. I peered around. Everything was white. The floor was white, the walls were white, the door, the bed I'm lying on, the clothes I'm wearing- wait what, the bed I'm lying on? The clothes I'm wearing? Questions overflowed in my head. Where am I? Why am I here? What happened to me? And, most importantly, What TRASH am I wearing?!

Furious at the audacity of whoever dressed me in these AWFUL clothes, I swung my legs to the side of the bed. I felt dizzy. Suddenly, a searing pain pierced through my head.


That was the sound of my sweat dripping to the floor.


That was the sound of my heart thundering in my chest.


That was the sound of a steady tear falling from my eye.

What. Have. They. Done. To.



Another tear.


And another.

*Drop* *drop* *drop* *drop* *drop* *drop*

They’re falling at a rapid pace now.

My hands were heavy. My feet were heavy. My head was heavy.

I collapsed onto the floor. I carried my head in my hands, overwhelmed with… With what? WITH WHAT?!!! WHAT. HAVE. THEY. DONE. TO.


All at once, I heard the sound of footsteps. footsteps drawing near. Drawing near until I heard a creek. The creek of a door opening. The door to this room opening…

I held my breath, as a shadow loomed over me.

“Ah, Echo!” A smooth, cruel, masculine voice from above me started, “I have you at last.”

Slowly, I raised my head, true fear enveloping through my body.

He wore black leather men's Gibson shoes and charcoal black tuxedo trousers. On the torso there was a dark grey dress shirt and a black blazer hanging from his shoulders. His skin was a marble white so pale, SO pale, I refused to believe that his body was possessed by any human. His hair was a dark navy blue and his eyes, HIS EYES! they were a matching colour. but HIS EYES! I couldn't take mine away. BUT HIS EYES! I’m trapped in a trance. BUT HIS EYES! A thick layer of ice covered my heart. I sat there. Frozen.

‘This is how I’m going to die’ I thought, ‘A slow, painful death’ I let out a screech of terror that bounced on the walls, right back to my own ears.

Out of the blue, the man got body slammed onto the floor, standing in his place was a boy around my age, a golden aura emitting from him. My saviour.