HasiLover HasiLover loading

ArnoHu wrote:

HasiLover wrote:

ArnoHu wrote:

HasiLover_Test wrote:

I have just released Scurious 2, after doing some Bug Fixes and Tweaks.

Scurious 2 just drew against Chip. Scurious was clearly ahead, could have promoted on same move, but then went for three-fold repetition instead.

As I had forgotten neither of the two engines has PGN export, I must replay anyway :-)
Yes, it still doesnt know about draw by repitition, I will be fixing it later.

Replay. same opening, deterministic game by both, same result: https://lichess.org/study/v3EKTlR2/10eJhWR2
Its probably assuming that Black will play Ka8 and thats why it tried to play bc2 to wait, because it wanted the promotion to come with check.
I did a test on this Position:1k1K4/8/8/8/8/8/5p2/8 b - - 0 1 and Scurious didnt promote until it promoted with a check.