Gurtle Writing Prompts:

Jim Flabsdz prompt
I chose writing dares

Once upon a time, in a lowly library, lived many bookshelves. These bookshelves all loved to share their stories. Stories of truth and stories of fiction. Stories of fun and stories of pain. However, there was one bookshleve who hated their stories. “I can't believe I was stuck with the little kids books!” he would complain everyday, earning himself the name: The Grumpy Bookshelve. All the other bookshelves would avoid talking to the Grumpy Bookshelf, not wanting to hear him whin and complain about the books he was forced to hold each day and the children who would mess around, spilling stuff on him, messing up his books. He hated the fiction books he was forced to hold, stories about “One fish, Two fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” and stories about a Pokey little puppy. He just wanted to be anything else. Well, one day, the library moved buildings. The grumpy bookshelf whined about the move, about how he jostled around in the back of the moving van, how empty he felt without his books, and how he just wanted to be in one place. When they made it to their new building, the grumpy old bookshelf was stuck in the romance section, now holding adult books with love stories of good and bad. At first he was happy, but then he realized he wasn't getting as many people coming to him. He would only have a few ladies come by, pick out his books. Then the grumpy bookshelf was sad. He missed the many people who would check out his books, even if he got stuff spilled on him, even if he didn't like the stories on his shelf. He was saddened with the loss of his fans, the people who would come to his shelf every week. Then the grumpy bookshelf learned a valuable lesson. You may think your current job is annoying and unfun, but you might find that you will miss it in the future. Everyday, when other shelves told their stories, the grumpy bookshelf would join, telling the stories of the old library, telling the small little picture books and the many kids who would eagerly go to pick books out from his shelf. And he began to known as the wise old bookshelf, rather then the grumpy little bookself.

Gurtle was ready for his reign to begin. It was Gurtle’s time to shine.
Gurtle was the mascot of the March 2024 session, and had spent his free time eating links, gaining supporters, being innocent. No one would suppect him.
Gurtle’s date was set. March 23rd. Cabin wars. The time when all campers would be expecting something big. But not something this big. “Ding,” the bell started to chime, sounding the hour. Gurtle gathered his supples. “Ding.” Gurtle ignited a match. “Ding.” Gurtle lit the main cabin on fire. “Ding.” Gurtle spread mangos trailing to each cabin to spread the flames. “Ding.” Each cabin began to ignite. “Ding.” Gurtle began to put on his costume, his final form. “Ding!” Gurtle grew to 10 foot high. Camper began to crowd around the main cabin, noticing the fires, and the red skies. Then Gurtle stormed towards the main cabin, smashing as many things as he could. “MY NAME IS BURLOG. PREPARE TO BE DESTROYED!” Gurtle yelled, beginning to breathe fire to the shocked and worried campers. His destruction of the camp had begun. He was going to DESTORY everything they held dear. Campers tried to fight back with mangos and apples, frying pans and fire, swords and bows. However, it didn’t really effect the massive turtle bent on his destructive RAGE. Gurtle turned his sights on some of the campers causing the most issues, kidnapping them, while destroying various sites around camp in the process. Campers screamed, Gurtle roared, the sounds of war rickosheying around camp. It was time for camp to end. Once and for all.

In a land of ordinary produce, one was unlike any other. In simple Walmart containers, one avocado looked around it’s container, seeing none of the other avocados moving. “What is this place?” the avocado pondered outloud. A woman nearby heard the voice, and seeing that it was from an avocado screamed and fainted. The avacado looked surprised, leaping out of the container, staring at the woman, before rolling off in a random direction to explore the store. The avocado went down the various alses, looking at ice cream and cereal, candy and cream cheese. “Wow!” it breathed, before heading deeper into the store. Soon it found itself among the clothing, staring at all of the human clothing. It watched as teenaged girls looked at the trendest clothing. It watched as expecting mothers picked out tiny baby clothing and as men picked out a shirt they found nice. “Cool!” it commented, before rolling over to the toy section. It stared at the colorful toys, the fun board games, everything. It was unlike anything the avocado had ever seen before! It spent a good while in the toy section, exploring every nook and cranny, playing with the various toys and having a great and awesome time. Soon, a kid found the avocado, picking it up. The avocado found it couldn’t move, it’s magic blocked by the humans touch. The avocado watched as the kid waddled over to it’s mother. “Mama! Mama! Avocado!” the kid shouted gleefully. The mom looked at the avocado with a strange look. “I want that green stuff! That green stuff we put on the chips.” the kid shouted. The mother just shook her head. “Fine. We can make some guacamole. Put the avocado in the cart, and we’ll go grab some more.” The kid cheered, clutching onto the avocado like it was a baby. Soon the avocado found itself being shoved into a bag with other avocados, run over a scanner, and placed into the back of a car. The car eventually hummed to a stop, and the kid took the bag of avocados inside the house, ready for their treat.

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