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weekly 3

part 1
words 398
1. Introduction:
*The sound of raindrops pitter-pattering against the window was the only sound to break the silence in the small cabin. The air was cool and musty, and a slight breeze stirred the curtains as it passed through the open window. In the fireplace, a fire crackled and danced, casting warm orange light and dancing shadows on the walls. The fire gave off a soft glow, casting a warm light over the table where mika sat, her head bowed in thought. Despite the warmth of the fire, the girl's breath still came in misty fog, his eyes fixed on the letter he held in his hand.
2. Inciting Incident:
*Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. Mika rose from her seat, her heart racing. She slowly made her way to the door, and opened it to reveal a stranger on the porch, huddled against the rain. He had a package in his hand, wrapped in a dirty piece of cloth.*
3. Rising Action:
*The Mika invited the stranger inside, and they sat down to discuss the package. The stranger claimed to have found it in the woods, near a rock with a carving of a snake. He didn't know what was inside, but felt compelled to deliver it. Mika decided to investigate, and opened the package to find a dusty old book with strange symbols on the cover. She began to read, and discovered that it was a journal, written by a man who claimed to have discovered a secret society that worshipped the snake.*
4. Culmination:
*As Mika delved deeper into the journal, she discovered that the secret society was planning to meet in the woods, and sacrifice a human to the snake god. She raced to the woods, but it was too late. The sacrifices had already begun. mika fought off the cult members, and managed to rescue one of the victims. The leader of the cult was arrested, and mika was hailed as a hero for her quick thinking and bravery.*
5. Falling Action:
*mika returned to the cabin, exhausted but satisfied. She sat in front of the fireplace, lost in thought. It had been a long journey, and she had faced many challenges, yet she had emerged victorious. She was ready to face whatever came next, with the knowledge that she had saved a life and brought justice to the cult.*

part 2
134 words

1.The stranger arrived at the cabin holding a package shrouded in a dirty piece of cloth.
2.Mika noticed that the package had a carving of a snake on it and felt compelled to open it.
3.Inside the package, Mika discovered a journal with strange symbols on the cover and began to read its contents.
4.The journal revealed that a secret society was planning to meet in the woods to perform a sacrifice. Mika immediately rushed to the woods to rescue the sacrifices, but the ritual had already begun.
5. Mika returned to the cabin, exhausted but satisfied with having saved a life. She reflected on the series of events that led to this turning point, realizing that she had been chosen for a greater purpose: to be a hero in the fight against evil.

part 3 with @rainy-rayne
ok first questions where were you on March 22nd at 8:37pm, On March 22nd at around 8:37pm, I was out taking a walk when it began to rain. Then something weird happened. You know the rest, I guess - I was delivering a package to a/your house, one that I found on the ground out in the woods. I found it by a strange stone, a very smooth one, almost like someone had carefully tumbled it- and it had a carving of a twisting snake on it. I’m not sure why, but when I saw it, I just felt compelled to deliver it to them/you, even in the pouring rain., Ok… ok… do you know anything about this “snake” symbol?, No, I don’t think so. Wait, actually, I think I saw something similar on the side of a McDonalds Happy Meal once! That’s probably unrelated, though. So, no., *writes it on a notepad* very unrelated so.. next question Inside the package, Mika discovered a journal with strange symbols on the cover do you know anything about these symbols?, Again, no. I hadn’t even seen the journal before I delivered it to her, just the outer wrapping on the package - something told me not to open it and to just give it away. Maybe my conscience, maybe something else entirely. Either way I’m glad I listened so I wasn’t mixed up in this more than I already am. Weird symbols, though, seriously.,, the journal had code in it that helped this girl crack the words on the box and when she opened the journal there werefinger prints are you sure you didn't touch it? , Yes, I am very sure. I was careful to keep it tightly closed. Maybe those were from someone before me?, hm.. maybe ok on the box it says the ritual was at 10:30 pm but when she got there at 9:45 it had begun already and she saw someone leave as soon as she got there was this you or do you know anything about it?, This was me. I was curious what was going to happen, so I went there to check it out. However, once I realized they were really going to sacrifice people, I left. She must have gotten there right then, mhm.. sure ok thanks you for these notes there very helpful, of course.

part 4
1233 words
Mika arrived at the cabin, the sound of raindrops pitter-pattering against the window behind her creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. The air was cool and musty, and a slight breeze stirred the curtains as it passed through the open window. In the fireplace, a fire crackled and danced, casting warm orange light and dancing shadows on the walls. The fire gave off a soft glow, casting a warm light over the table where she sat, her head bowed in thought. Despite the warmth of the fire, Mika's breath still came in foggy fog, her eyes fixed on the letter she held in her hand.

She sighed and turned to the journal, staring at the cover and the intricate symbols drawn on it. Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Mika rose from her seat, her heart racing. She slowly made her way to the door and opened it to reveal a stranger on the porch, huddled against the rain. He had a package in his hand, wrapped in a dirty piece of cloth. Mika invited the stranger inside, and they sat down to discuss the package. The stranger claimed to have found it in the woods, near a rock with a carving of a snake on it. He didn't know what was inside, but felt compelled to deliver it. Mika decided to investigate, and opened the package to find a dusty old book with strange symbols on the cover. She began to read, and discovered that it was a journal, written by a man who claimed to have discovered a secret society that worshipped a snake.

As Mika delved deeper into the journal, she discovered that the secret society was planning to meet in the woods, and sacrifice a human to the snake god. Mika raced to the woods but it was too late. The sacrifices had already begun. She fought off the cult members, and managed to rescue one of the victims. The leader of the cult was arrested, and Mika was hailed as a hero for her quick thinking and bravery.

As Mika made her way back to the cabin, her mind raced with thoughts of the journal and the secret society. She wondered how long they had been planning the ritual, and how many people had been sacrificed before her intervention. She decided that it was her duty to inform the authorities and the public about the cult and their sinister plans. But first, she needed to continue exploring the journal for more clues, it is possible that there are more details hidden within its pages that could help her uncover the truth. She begins to read more intently, her mind racing as she tries to connect the dots. Suddenly, she hears a faint sound from outside the window. She rises from her seat, her heart racing, and makes her way to the window. Through the rain and fog, she sees the silhouette of a figure in the distance. It looks like someone is watching the cabin.

Mika freezes, her mind racing as she tries to think of what to do. Should she confront the stranger? Or should she try to sneak away and get help? But before she can make up her mind, the figure disappears in the darkness. Mika lets out a sigh of relief, but she knows she can't let her guard down. She needs to stay alert and be ready for anything. As she sits back down at the table and continues to read the journal, she can't shake the feeling that she's being watched. She tries to push the thought aside and focus on the task at hand.

As she continues to read, she comes across a map that shows the location of the cult's secret hideout. It's deep in the woods, in a remote area that is difficult to reach without a guide. Mika realizes that this is the place where the cult leader is hiding, and that it could be the key to uncovering the truth. She decides to take the journal and the map to the authorities and show them what she's discovered.

The next day, Mika makes her way to the police station, determined to get the authorities to investigate the cult's whereabouts. She shows them the journal and the map, and explains what she has discovered. The authorities are intrigued by the leads she has uncovered, and agree to send a team to investigate. Mika feels a sense of relief, knowing that she has done her part to stop the cult's sinister plans. She decides to go back to the cabin and wait for the authorities' report.

As Mika waits for the authorities' report, she can't help but feel uneasy. She knows that the cult is dangerous and that they won't give up easily. She decides to keep reading the journal, hoping that there might be more clues hidden within its pages. She pours over the pages, trying to make sense of the symbols and codes, but nothing strikes her as a clear.
Suddenly, she hears a soft knock at the door. Mika rises slowly and cautiously makes her way to the door. She opens it, and is met with the sight of a stranger standing in front of her. The stranger introduces himself as someone who was also investigating the cult's activities, and believes that there is something more to the secret society than meets the eye. Mika is initially skeptical, but as the stranger starts to explain his own findings, she begins to believe him. The stranger believes that the cult is not just a mere group of fanatics, but a highly organized and well-funded organization.

Mika realizes that this is bigger than she had thought. She decides to team up with the stranger and continue their investigation. Together, they pour through the clues and follow every lead they can find. They visit the cult's hideout, interview witnesses, and track down the cult's members. As they dig deeper, they discover that the cult is planning a major ritual that will give them unparalleled power and influence. Mika and the stranger decide to infiltrate the ritual and stop it from happening.

The night of the ritual is tense and unnerving. Mika and the stranger sneak into the cult's secret fortress, evading detection by the cultists. They reach the ritual chamber, where the cult members are performing their ritual. Mika and the stranger interrupt the ritual, causing chaos and confusion. They manage to put an end to the ritual, but not without a fight. Mika and the stranger work together, using their wits and resources to outsmart and outmaneuver the cultists.

In the end, the cult is defeated and the ritual is stopped. Mika and the stranger emerge from the fortress, weary but victorious. As they make their way back to civilization, Mika can't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the stranger. They had come so far together, and had uncovered so much about the cult. She knows that it was thanks to their teamwork that the truth had come to light.

As Mika settles back into life at the cabin, she wonders what the future holds. She is determined to continue her investigation, and to uncover every last detail about the cult. She knows that there is more to the secret society than meets the eye, and she is determined to uncover it all.