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Za-Chary wrote:

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Since the scratch assets block, I have not uploaded a single image into the scratch forums. Why? because it's hard for me to use Cubeupload. I have to take a screenshot, open snip and sketch, save the screenshot, log into cubeupload (which never saves my login for some reason), find and upload the file, and then paste the link. This is a much more difficult process than the previous take a screenshot and paste that I used to have to do.
Before Scratch assets, this was the intended method to upload images. It was never intentional to make it easier. The fact that this process is so cumbersome is beneficial since then trolls will be less likely to upload inappropriate images.

Given that, this is rejected:

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions wrote:

10.3 Remove restricted image hosts or add your own websites

By requiring an image host website (such as cubeupload) to be used when posting images on the forums, this decreases the chances of inappropriate images being posted on the forums, as inappropriate images are not allowed on these image host websites. The Scratch Team does not have the time to whitelist everybody's websites, especially when acceptable websites already exist.

Years ago, the Scratch forums suffered from trolls who continually spammed the forums with highly inappropriate images. It got so bad that the [img] tag had to be temporarily disabled so it could be improved. Certainly Scratchers would prefer to have to use an image hosting website rather than not being able to post images at all.

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Thanks for tracking this down.

Really, there shouldn't be a large need for images on the Scratch forums in it's role of supporting the use of Scratch. I think it is pretty unlikely that the team would want to invest the resources to make it easier - given all the other priorities we are facing.