poptko poptko loading

RobotChickens wrote:

I have been active on this suggestion thread which has been open for over 5 years now with many various supporters along the way. The ST has openly said it is not rejected, yet there has been no visible progress (to my knowledge) on the implementation of USB Gamepad support. A few supporters and I would like to take things into our own hands and make a pull request to the Scratch GitHub for this feature. We are unsure how to proceed and would like some help/advice on the matter. We wouldn't have to start from scratch (haha) because there are already people who have made their own open-source extensions for this. (One of them is on TurboWarp)

To be clear! This is NOT button mapping. The suggestion is to have a separate group of blocks (as a Scratch extension) with analog and rumble support!!
This topic is about developing a Nintendo Switch extension, not a XBOX one.