S_P_A_R_T S_P_A_R_T loading

ArnoHu wrote:

@S_P_A_R_T, with user playing black, Perf=2, importing “2bq1bnr/2p1k2p/2B2pp1/p2pP1B1/3P4/3Q1N2/PrP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 14”, White Dove captures its own g5 bishop with a suddenly appearing black f4 pawn, moving backwards.

In general WD is pretty unplayable on Scratch 3 with P=2, hardly any game without these issues. That is why I could not run it any more for the Scratch 3 ranking.

I see, I will investigate this strange bug.

(The bug only seems to occur on S3, even when I disable the search depth limiting code. Strange…)