Cabin Wars Part 2: Chloe lanches an attack

Chloe smiles, knowing she was distracted by the prospect of roleplaying as a semi-retired roleplayer who never wanted to give up roleplaying, but couldn't find people to consistently roleplay with. “Fine, I'll work on Cabin Wars,” she said, grinning with a bag full of apples.

Chloe gazed at the red-tinted skies, ready for war. She knew she needed to work on the weekly, but that could wait just a bit longer. It was time for her to cause chaos. Lots of it. She ran off in the direction of the Dystopian cabin, a brown bag slung over her shoulder, leaving the chatter of the main cabin behind.

Chloe tip-toes into the Dystopian, grining. She had a brown canvas bag strung over her shoulder, as she slid into the Ruins the Dystopian Campers called her home. She had a mission. A mission to distract, to take over, to CONQURE the Dystopian campers. Slipping over to their food supply, she easily found their supply of fruits, and thus their supply of apples. Chloe takes out another bag, slides the apples into the new bag, before filling the now empty bowl with apples from the canvas bag. “Enjoy these apples!” she smiled to herself, thanking the old lady in the woods once again for this chaos filled treats. Once an appropriate amount of apples had been placed into the bowl, Chloe slung the bag back over her shoulder, sneaking out of the cabin, but not before taking one of the stolen Dystopian apples and taking a bite out of it. “One down, three to go,” she whispered, before sprinting to the main cabin.

Chloe once again walked into the main cabin, a new bag full of lumps at her side, while the brown bag over her shoulder looked emptier. Chloe bit down on an apple, weaving between the members of various cabins discussing Gurtle, who had once again ate the description. She just smiled to herself, looking at the alliance chart, pulling up a screen that looked as though it was made of energy from a watch. She crossed one off, looking at the of fairy tale enemies, before leaving in the direction of the Fan-Fiction cabin.

Chloe runs into the Fan-Fiction cabin, quickly donning the uniform of a FVA officer. She slid her honey blond hair up into a tight ponytail, something completely unusual for the tender headed teenage girl. She slid her blue glasses up, her hazel eyes set on her mission. She noticed there were two sides to this cabin. FVA and Rebels. She chuckled, knowing she could cause more chaos. Quickly, she grabbed a piece of notebook paper, ripping it in half, writing a note on each side. Then she went to the entrance of the rebel base, setting up the apples, with a note that read, “Got you some apples. Peace? - FVA” She knocked on the door, before sprinting to the FVA base. There, she did the same thing, but acting like the note was from the rebel groups. Slipping back into the FVA base, she saw Chuey shouting about the war, and how they had set fire to Fairy Tale cabin. Chloe narrowed her eyes, her hazel eyes briefly turning a firey orange as the wood around her ignited into flames. “Have fun, my friends.” she said, sprinting away, back towards the main cabin.

Chloe grinned, smiling at the chaos she was sparking, the startled cries of Fan-Fi members rushing to their cabin as flames overtook the cabin. She returned to the alliance board, using her holowatch to once again cross off another name on the list. She then played a small game of enni-meeni-mini-moe with the two remaining cabins, her gloved finger landing on the cabin that had remained on top of the leaderboard of so long. “Sci-Fi.” she whispered, walking in the direction of that cabin.

Chloe walked into the Sci-Fi cabin, looking around the Database. She didn't know the best way to blend in, so she decided to make it quick. She ran into the shadow-filled basement she knew the campers gathered in before fighting the AI, quickly filling the empty fruit bowl, usually filled with mangos, with her apples. She then heard a noise, a camper of Sci-fi, who had caught wind of her actions, chasing her down. Chloe quickly used the shadows to hide herself. “The one time I actually like my darkness,” she whispered to herself. Chloe effortlessly slid past the camper, running back to the main cabin.

Chloe smiled, her brown bag nearly empty, but her hazel eyes full of joy. Her plan was working. She only had one place left to go. She knew exactly where that was, so she didn't even bother checking her holowatch. Chloe walked towards tragedy, her face set, her eyes full of devotion.

Chloe walked into Tragedy, actually very unfamiliar with the cabin. She had never been here before, unlike the other three cabins which she scouted out to write anthems for. Inside was dark, almost the vibe of a dead forest in the middle of the night. Chloe shuddered. “Dark Tribe.” She muttered to herself, pressing onwards. She found a small area looked as though it was lived in. She tossed the remaining apples from her brown bag, and wrote a small note. “A gift from your pals from Fairy Tale,” she wrote, signing it with a C and a star. She then sprinted out of the cabin, not going to stay any longer.

Chloe sprinted out of Tradegy, her deed now done. Her brown bag was empty. She wasn't planning on burning down Fan-Fi, but it happened. Now she returned to Fairy Tale, going to extinguish the flames, and actually finish the weekly.

+951 words

Phoenix Story
Have you ever heard the story about the girl who rides like the wind? Who can grow plants with nearly a thought, yet can control every raindrop. Who can set fire to the forests but can share stories with the light. Who embraces the darkness yet can heal in the dead of night. A single mark sits on her right hand. A flame in the middle, with colors surrounding, representing the many different elements. Fire, water, ice, air, earth, darkness, light, and healing. Yes, she was powerful. But she was scared. Scared she was going to hurt someone. Scared she would fail the people who needed her the most. Scared she would lose, and devistate the people who put their trust in her when they crown her their queen. She may seem powerful, but what good is that when you are still terrified of yourself?
Arrows thud, swords flash, knife clash, as she practiced daily. Tears fall, knights call, she runs, they chase. “I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!” she cries to the sky as the wind carries her lonely call. Yes, she had come back from the ashes. Yes, she was Phoenix. But each battle left a scar, scars that only cut deeper when she lost people she loved. Some of which never healed.
She stood at the edge of a grassy cliff, staring at the land she called her home. Different biomes coated the island, giving a unique feel to her home. Sinking to her knees, she wonder what she could do. “Will I ever be good enough?” she calls to the wind.
A soft feather touchs her arm. Looking to the side, she saw her phoenix. Rusty. One of the few creatures who truly and fully believed in her. “You've got this,” he whispered, in his ancient, phoenix language. Phoenix stood, glancing at Rusty, glancing back at the cliff, her thoughts pacing. “I can do this!” she cried, seeing the obvious signs of battle at the shore of the banks below the cliff. Then she turned, sprinted, jumping off the cliff, falling…falling. Her outfit changed from a royal blue to a black uniform, blue flames licking the side, an advanced Magkoa tool belt, with her familiar quiver and bow. She landed with a splash in the deep lake, surfacing, and rising to join the battle. She may only be 15, but she could overcome her own challenges to fight for her people. Her species. The mighty, magical Magkoas.
+410 Words

Random Story
Driving along the highway, staring at the sites. Under a grey blue sky, with trees just sprouting leaves. The road is a dark grey, with orange and white painted lines. Mailboxes line the road, each one leading to a house. Around a curve comes a bridge. After the bridge comes a hill. A pickup truck passes along on the other side, as a small town church appears in the distance. Across from the church, a field of cows, grazing on the light green grass. In the distance, a cellphone tower rises, blinking it's white light to warn anything flying that it's in the way. On the ground, a for sale sign, selling land to build on. Then we pass a natural gas pipeline, a major money maker in our county. Again, brick houses appear as we cross the county line. Across the one, things look the same, as we go down a curvey hill. More cows appear in the fields, as a small song bird flys in the sky. Just a day in a drive in my rural county I love.

+181 words