MineTurte MineTurte loading

deck26 wrote:

sussybaga-123 wrote:

the dots on my graph shouldnt have any way of changing their y axis after doing it the first time but they do it anyways. the dots are coded in sprite 4 of my project. Also if anyone has ideas on how to shrink the code at all i would love to hear it bc there are massive chunks of code. Posting this again because the only reply sent the exact opposite of what i wanted. I cannot just put
set y to (y value)
because there can be different amounts of dots, i am not creating 100 variables named y value
If you use a list each hailstone just needs to access its own item in the list. Just give each clone a unique number and it can access that list item. I can't make sense of how to see the problem.

Or just make 1 Y variable that is set to “this sprite only” lol.