Me_Tis Me_Tis loading
My suggestion is simple: that when you create your own block, along with boolean, string and number input, you were allowed to do a dropdown list like this:
define move [direcion]▾
if <(direction)=[up]>
point in direction (0 v)
move (10) steps
if <(direction)=[down]>
point in direction (180 v)
move (10) steps
when green flag clicked
move [down v]

You would create it like this:

I would find this very useful (though admittedly my example wasn't very useful)
Any suggestions, improvements or just support?

PS this can be likened to enums in other programming languages.

I know that this is possible through workarounds, but the entire premise behind scratch is to make programming easy, so a workaround isn't really a solution.
I am suggesting this because I think it will make some things easier, whereas using the workaround makes things harder, and may be intimidating to new programmers.