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Vvpx Vvpx loading
A while back someone sent me a link that was a scratch link, and when you click it it downloads never gonna give you up music video. anyone got it?
SWC Writing Competition Entry
In the Name of Science: An Exploration of the Dark Side

“You might die by my hands.”
Those were the last words I heard my brother say before he hung up on me yesterday. And they’ve been swirling around my head ever since.
This is the story of how my world descended into chaos after one letter.
This story starts on a warm, sunny day as most stories do. It gives false hope that ‘everything’s fine’ until it’s not. And that’s exactly what happened, I can assure you of it.
So let’s rewind a bit to a few weeks ago.
It was a day as normal as any other. There I sat, in the open field, unassuming. I’d just received a letter. I’d won a scholarship for a college where I could study genetics and if I was willing to go, I’d have to travel over a hundred kilometres away from home.
I was ready, of course. I was born ready. But it was what lay behind the door in the room beside mine that had made me stop in my tracks. My entire world changed when I saw that one letter, hidden carefully underneath other junk. The web of lies and deceit that had been spun because of that one letter changed everything for me. And I was going to get to the root of it. I still remember, clear as day, the dread that I had felt when I’d only read past the first line. Then fear, pure and raw, clawing at my throat, screaming to get out. Then anger. Boiling rage and blind fury, enough to make me clutch my head in agony lest I lost my sanity. And finally, betrayal. My trust in everything was shattered and nothing seemed real anymore. What or who could I even place my trust in? The contents of the letter shook me up enough to give me sleepless nights enough to last a lifetime.
But what was in the letter that had made me so desperate? Let me explain a bit more first.
I grew up with two other siblings, Darrell and James. You see, they were twins. I was the third child. You may have heard that although a pair of siblings was identical in appearance, they couldn’t be more different. But when it came to these two, well, they were the same. They weren’t two sides of the same coin; they were halves of the same side of the coin.
Sometimes, it was oddly chilling to witness just how they were exactly like each other. There was some utter and sheer wrongness of it that made doubt creep into my mind whenever I looked at them. Darrell and James by nature were friendly, polite, responsible, and a bit shy. Or so we all thought. But what I had suspected all along was right; the letter revealed it.
As the forgotten child, no one paid me much heed. I could do whatever I wanted, become whatever I wanted. I was well-cared for but neglected. Darrell always wore a white dress with a little bow on it every other day and James always wore a black outfit every other day. Their odd synchrony was frankly creepy. Their smiles felt sinister. Or so I thought. But I was the delirious child after all.
The letter opened with the most bone-chilling line one could think of, written in my brother James’ handwriting. I couldn’t tell apart his handwriting from Darrell’s, of course, but the words I’d read were confirmation enough.
‘Your life has been a lie, built on a lie and will end because of a lie, and I am utterly sorry, my dear Darrell.’
“Darrell’s life has been a lie? Didn’t she know?” I mumbled under my breath. “What lie? What’s going on?”
The letter continued on,
‘You see, you are not who you think you are. You and I are peculiarly similar, to the point where our lives are the same. Do you know why that is? Do you know why it is that you were told by our parents to do what I did, say what I did? And how, amazingly, Clara has been the only one to realise what’s actually been going on? Read on to find out why your life was destroyed.’
I felt a jolt of anxiety when I saw my name. ‘Clara has been the only one to realise what’s actually been going on.’ So James did know that I suspected something, after all. Or perhaps he thought I knew everything. My heart went out to Darrell. My siblings had always treated me well, though now I didn’t know if it was out of the goodness of their heart or because they were so mechanical with everything. Wait a minute, mechanical..?
I continued to read the letter.
‘Believe this or not, Darrell, we were once part of the same entity. Do you remember that we experienced those moments of shared memories, like we were once part of the same consciousness? Well, we were. Ever so long ago. We were genetically separated, and I’ll come to that in a moment.
In our past life, we were just one person. However, we died because we were the unfortunate victims of an experiment. The experiment cost us our life.
The scientists, those d@mn3d humans who’re all about knowledge and logic and wealth, they didn’t stop at that. They wanted to see whether we could withstand the tests of being separated yet remain the same.
They carried on with their experiment and separated us. Using their scientific expertise, they brought us back to life, but as twin children of opposite genders. I regret to say that among these scientists were our parents.’

I choked at that. It was the most cruel thing one could do. I felt like I was being held in place, like time had frozen. Nothing felt real anymore. My hand went to my heart. Who’s to say that I wasn’t some experiment too? I felt suffocated by the truth. Had Darrell read this? And.. I felt a more disturbing thought. What if I wasn’t the person I’d thought myself to be? Was I real, or artificially engineered like my unfortunate twins?
‘You may ask how I know all of this. And I shall tell you, in as few words as possible. I began noticing the strangeness when we were seemingly synchronised in everything, like we were mechanical. Then I noticed how our parents urged you and forced you, against your will, to be like me. A series of investigations and lies upon lies led me to the truth that is staring you in the face, boring the words into your mind. I didn’t want you to find out this way, but there was no escaping it. I found out that I tend to have visions of the future; they’re not things I can change, but they’re seemingly side effects of this cruel experiment that the scientists put us through. To those heartless beings, I have only one question: Are science and scientific breakthroughs far more important than being moral humans? Are they so much more important than basic humaneness?
I pity that Clara has found a fascination in genetics. I do love my sister so, and I know that you do too. I hope she doesn’t turn into the same monster as them. She’s the only one who can save us from this hell of a life.
With love and much, much regret,

I stared at the letter, my hand quivering. I re-read the last line. ‘She’s the only one who can save us from this hell of a life.’
“James, oh James..” I whispered. “Darrell..”
White-hot anger burned in me again. How did these scientists think they had the right to play with lives for the ‘greater good’ or for scientific gain? Science was not supposed to cross the boundaries of ethics and morality. Science. The word meant the world to me but the letter reminded me of the earth-shattering reality. There were predators out there, who used the excuse of Science for knowledge and puppeteered human lives like they were nothing. The sheer inhumanity a person needs to have to take something so pure and twist it.. It made me sick to the stomach. I decided to take action. Perhaps I could call James first, tell him all I knew. But what if this was a trap? What if James was in danger? Endless possibilities ran through my head but I steeled my resolve. We could only hope for the best.
I nervously dialled his number as I waited for the call to get through. When it did, I told him all that I’d discovered. He stayed silent for a while before he spoke.
“Clara.. Please.. Our parents mustn’t know about this. They mustn’t know that I’ve found out. As for Darrell, well.. I’d hate to destroy her world, but..”
“James, she must know this. The morbidity of this situation is as real as it gets. I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry.” I apologised to him while he comforted me as he said it wasn’t my fault.
“Clara.” His voice came from the other end, firm and clear, albeit wrought with dread and fear.
“You must accept that scholarship. It’s the only way. You must find out all you can, and.. Perhaps, you can free Darrell and me from this cursed life. You’re our only hope.”
“But James..” My voice cracked as I struggled to hold back my emotions; it was all too much to process in such a short time. “James.. I couldn’t possibly bring myself to harm you or Darrell..”
“Clara..” He said once more, this time faltering a bit. “I understand how hard it is for you. But.. I had a vision. This is the only way. All other paths lead to far worse circumstances. I wish I could tell you how sorry I am that you have to be a part of this.” That was all he said as he disconnected the call. I stared at the phone. “Ignorance is bliss,” I told myself. “I now know what it truly means.” I was at a crossroads now. Do I accept the scholarship, and become a part of the very same scientific community that had birthed these monsters and help my twins? Or do I stay in this hellhole and make living worse than death for my siblings? I decided on the former.
And now, as I sat, twisting the cord of the telephone in the waiting room, I could only hope the plan would work. James told me yesterday that I had to follow his plan, otherwise he saw a future where he’d have to kill me by his own hands. And so, it was with the image of Darrell’s sunny smile and James’ comforting embrace that I ventured into a new phase of my life, one that I hoped and prayed would bring peace to the tormented lives of my siblings. I would bring the scientists who had gambled with innocent lives to their knees and make them beg for mercy. James’ words echoed in my head, working only to steel my resolve even more. My life, the lives of those I loved and the lives of those to come could and most certainly would be changed within these walls. I, Clara, fuelled with determination and fury, would challenge the scientific community. I shall establish once more that science isn’t a tool to be exploited in the name of knowledge.

PyraEthan12 wrote:

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

TheSmartGuy1234 wrote:

this was going to be in the Windows 11 topic
here are some screenshots from my school account:

(as of posting, cubeupload is down)

basically this screenshots are of an “mystery” program installing a browser extension on my chrome (without me doing anything) that displayed a webpage telling me to activate the extension to change the search engine to Bing.

i'm installing linux
I can't see the images, so I can't tell what the problem is.
Cubeupload is currently down.
Got that memo.
Mar 28
Word count: 552

Bakugo stared in horror as his childhood friend turned enemy leered over him, a manic smile playing along his lips. This was what he had wanted, right? He had wanted to apologize ever since he thought Deku had died because of him. But this wasn’t the Deku he knew. This was a power hungry, revenge-seeking person who could get what he wanted and he knew it.
“You are not Deku.” He growled, staring him down. “The Deku I knew was too kind for this.”
To be fair, he didn’t look like Deku either. His hair had been dyed straight black and he was taller and thinner. He wore a suit, and his hood had been flipped off and his mask cast aside.
“You’re right.” He agreed. “Deku died that day when I found Tomura.” Bakugo’s eyes went to the person with hands all over him. He was leaning over and scratching his neck with one hand and keeping the other hand on some sort of creature next to him.
Deku turned to the rest of Bakugo’s class. “I give you all a single chance to join me. Or we can play the game I mentioned earlier, and then you all die. Oh, wouldn’t that be fun!” He sighed. “Besides, we aren’t here for you. You’re all expendable.” Deku said, voice hardening into something that sounded nothing like his true self.
“And dear Kacchan here will not be joining us at all. His fate has been spelled out for him. Tomura was kind enough to let me torture you before you die. I have you all to myself.” Deku explained, stretching out his arms with palms up. “Isn’t this just perfect?” He said, voice converting into a snarl by the end of the sentence.
Bakugo blinked. Deku is Quirkless. Why am I standing around? I can take him! That shadowy guy must have teleported him over to us, and thats why he was able to appear. He realized.
“Your fight is with me. Sure, they’re all expendable, but I’m not. Don’t think you can get in my way, you nerd! You’re still a Quirkless runt!” Bakugo shouted, propelling himself forward with explosions. Then suddenly, everything went black except for Deku’s eyes.
They were red, and everything
there was nothing else he would die here I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead let me die it was just pain he couldn’t bear it it was all dark and gone and black and there was PAIN.
And then there was blissful numbness. Bakugo blinked. Where… was he?
He took a look around.
He was in a white room. At least, he thought it was a room. It seemed to stretch on forever. What had Deku done?
Did he actually have a Quirk? Bakugo thought, remembering that seemed to sear into his flesh. He shuddered. What power had that been? He had looked at his eyes and then…
No. He couldn’t think about that right now. He needed a way out.
He started forward, but then stopped when he realized the ground was rippling beneath him, like he was walking on water. He crouched, realizing that it was reflective instead of white.
Bakugo touched the surface wondering if he should explode it when a pit opened up beneath him and he fell down, down, down…
Mr-Monke456 Mr-Monke456 loading
An Ending simulator type game

There are 9 endings to collect each one being unique in their own way

Good Ending: Save your friend banana Ben
Bad Ending: Lose the boss fight
TMNT Ending: Become a teenage mutant ninja turtle
Hero Ending: Save a fish from drowning
Car Crash Ending: Get hit by a car
Green Ending: Get rid of all the trash in the park
Rich Ending: Open the safe
Hot Dog Ending: Eat a hotdog
Friend Ending: Give Kevin a hotdog

I will be adding more updates and endings when we hit a certain amount of views/likes/favorites

there may be bugs/glitches so if you find them please inform me about them
HAZE87 HAZE87 loading

Dolphin_002 wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 74.0.3729.169, No Flash version detected

A lot of people are having problems where they can't load stuff into their backpack. Well, my problem is the other way around. I'm trying to move a sprite out of my backpack, but when I drag it out it doesn't load into the project. This might be because the sprite has a lot of code, but you should at least give it more time to load! I tried using it on multiple projects, and I have another sprite in my backpack that works. I've even tried removing the sprite and re-adding it back into my backpack. Nothing works.
Same here, I've been working on my own Undertale Revamp, but my Text engine won't load into the game from my backpack. This kind of sucks, considering I need it to do literally ANYTHING in the game. I can't even start to make the game, as there's a story in the beginning that uses the engine. I've been trying to find a solution, but to no avail. It works on my private PC, but not my School one. It may be because of the small storage capability of a Chromebook, but I need this to be fixed.
In my game there’s a glitch where if you beat the game and press the green flag to replay it, you will be stuck on the map screen and plays the ending music. Please help me!
Nevermind, apparently the 2DS asset i used had a problem, so i changed the quality of it and now it's fine.
EarvinKeel EarvinKeel loading
I'm trying to make a game where a bee named Buzzer has to hit clouds but a problem is that when clouds = 10 it's supposed to broadcast game over but it's not working. Can anyone help me?
The code:
MineTurte MineTurte loading

Unknown05212 wrote:

Hii! I am a new scratcher(not that new, but still). I've been trying to use gravity and jumps in my projects recently. Anyone know how to make my sprite stop falling after landing on an object and also stop pausing midair?
when green flag clicked
if <touching [ floor] ?> then
if <not <key [ space] pressed?>> then
set [ velocity] to [0]
repeat (10)
change [ velocity] by (1)
change [ velocity] by (-1)

when green flag clicked
change y by (velocity)

Hope this helps!

Note: It might be a little buggy but it should work good enough. Feel free to refine the jumping part of it as that is the buggiest.
hehe I got a shiny Snubull in Pokémon Go!
Or1onsfire Or1onsfire loading

theTRASHSQUADofdoom wrote:

This weekend I will definitely have time to work on some music! Here is my to do list

Once upon a time

Maybe a ruins/first area theme

At least one boss/miniboss theme

I'm still needing suggestions for names, so any would be appreciated!

there's also the enemy approaching type song you'll have to do.
word war with: -simplywatermelon-

These pages still smell like smoke…And I hate it.
I was honestly mourning for all the books there, for this library. I couldn’t believe a fire had started here. But now all the books were ruined, some burned to a crisp, others just smelling of smoke, and the rest burned completely to ashes.
It was horrid.
We all watched in silence as the fire brigade worked to put out the remaining fire. Smoke was billowing from multiple places, but the danger was pretty much gone. I picked up a crispy book from the floor beside my foot, and sighed.
It was one of my favourites.
I dropped it again, continuing to watch as the last fire was put out. The police were there too, and a lot of talk was going on as they tried to figure out who set fire to our town library. The ambulance was here too, but thankfully nobody was hurt, just stunned.
Some speculated that the librarian did it, but I didn’t believe them. Ms Forsyth would never—she loves books, she had always been so kind, and this place had become a second home to her. She also seemed very upset about the fire, so I highly doubt it was her. I suppose people could hide their true intentions very well, but I’ve known Ms Forsyth for years, I always came here, and she never seemed like someone who would burn down the library.
She WAS the last person in here, but it wasn’t her. I know it.
To be honest, I don’t even have a guess as to who it was…there’s so many people in this town, and I can’t think of anyone who would possibly do such a thing.
Maybe it was my brother—he always hated books.
But no, of course not, he wouldn’t do

306 words
DuWeido DuWeido loading
I have a big problem. On this private server I have with some irl friends, Weirdcraft, I kind of crashed the game. So I was exploring an ocean over 4000 blocks from spawn trying to get a sniffer, and I kept finding shipwrecks. When I would open the chest in the shipwreck that normally has buried treasure, sometimes my game would freeze and I would need to relog a couple times, but it would always come back. If you didnt know there's a glitch where sometimes your game can crash when u open a chest with a buried treasure map but there is no buried treasure nearby. I had thought this had been patched, which I think it somewhat had because my game wasn't completely crashing. Until I opened a chest in an ocean ruin. When I opened it, everything around me froze. I could move around but everything else was frozen. This would sometimes happen when I opened the buried treasure map chests in shipwrecks. But this time when I tried logging off and back on, the server wouldn't work. It said the red, “Can't connect to server.” That happened yesterday afternoon, and it still doesn't work for me or other people. Do you guys have any idea what we could do to fix it?

boom2ratz wrote:

canada-ploos wrote:

did yall see the new eminem album announcement
I think he'll finally make a great, nice sounding album, Dre is going to bring back old-school beats while bringing something new, hopefully we get some nice features… JID would be so so cool… maybe J Cole or Kendrick but that's me dreaming…
omg that's life changing info. I think this album will be great .
Ammophobia Ammophobia loading

chippysmall4 wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

chippysmall4 wrote:

This States That once you are familiar with the [scratchblocks] tag, you should stop using the topic, implying that it's for learning the [scratchblocks] tag.
snip quotes + a straight statement from the source itself is more credible than an inference.
Here Is A Quote From The Source

The scratchblocks Testing Topic 9.0 wrote:

Once you are familiar with the plugin, please stop posting here.
Learning: “hiii here’s how u do _____”
Testing: “hey test ur blocks here, try to figure it out yourself”
Your statement applies to both. Why bother the st to change something that won’t be much different?
Is there a problem with displaying images of all 6 of the Nintendo 3DS systems in a project when the online services for those systems are shutting down in 10 days?
yosephmk yosephmk loading its a cool clicker game, but its incomplete and has bugs. Can you play it and tell the bugs and reccommend features?
Sto portando l'engine del Player del gioco Celeste su Scratch!

Questa beta rilasciata riproduce le funzioni di salto e movimento, queste funzioni sono solo adattate a un mondo piatto, perciò, collisioni con pareti, coyote time e altri funzioni non sono ancora implementate correttamente.

Nel lato di programmazione questo engine legge i dati dei livelli da una lista “ROM”, questa lista è importata da un json.
La fisica è ottimizzata, in quanto iterare sulla lista “ROM” richiede molto tempo, e il gioco lo evita caricando in un'altra lista le collisioni vicine.

Queste sono tutte le versioni rilasciate ordinate dalla più recente

Nel link “Turbowarp (60 fps, 1920x1080)” è consigliata l'addon “Enhanced full screen”.

Celeste Engine beta 5 su Scratch
Celeste Engine beta 5 su Turbowarp (60 fps)
Celeste Engine beta 5 su Turbowarp (60 fps, 1920x1080)

Versioni precedenti:
Celeste Engine beta 4 su Scratch
Celeste Engine beta 4 su Turbowarp (60 fps)
Celeste Engine beta 4 su Turbowarp (60 fps, 1920x1080)

Celeste Engine beta 3 su Scratch
Celeste Engine beta 3 su Turbowarp (60 fps)
Celeste Engine beta 3 su Turbowarp (60 fps, 320x180)

Celeste Engine beta 2 su Scratch
Celeste Engine beta 2 su Turbowarp (60 fps)
Celeste Engine beta 2 su Turbowarp (60 fps, 320x180)

Celeste Engine beta 1 su Scratch
Celeste Engine beta 1 su Turbowarp (60 fps)
Celeste Engine beta 1 su Turbowarp (60 fps, 320x180)

NoelFB/Celeste su Github
-Almations- -Almations- loading

Scratch--TheCat wrote:

-Almations- wrote:

Scratch--TheCat wrote:

How Did We Get Here?
this is probably too easy but oh well
Incorrect! sorry :(
Oh, nvm that's not a mission lol.

Platformer - PT1

when green flag clicked
set [GRAVITY v] to [-1.5]
set [JUMP FORCE v] to [12]
set [ACCELERATION v] to [1.5]
set [RESISTANCE v] to [0.8]
set [Speed Y v] to [0]
if <<key [up arrow v] pressed?> or <key [w v] pressed?>> then
if <(Falling) < [3]> then
set [Speed Y v] to (JUMP FORCE)
if <<key [left arrow v] pressed?> or <key [a v] pressed?>> then
set [Speed X v] to ((0) - (ACELERATION))
if <<key [right arrow v] pressed?> or <key [d v] pressed?>> then
set [Speed X v] to (ACELERATION)
set [Speed X v] to ((Speed X) * (RESISTANCE))
change [Speed Y v] by (GRAVITY)
Move - In Steps (([abs v] of (Speed X)) + ([abs v] of (Speed Y)))

define Fix Overlap
repeat until <not <touching [Level v] ?>>
change y by (1)

define Move - In Steps (Steps)
change [Falling v] by (1)
repeat (Steps)
set [Last Value v] to (x position)
change x by ((Speed X) / (Steps))
if <touching [Level v] ?> then
set x to (Last Value)
set [Speed X v] to [0]
set [Last Value v] to (y position)
change y by ((Speed Y) / (Steps)
if <touching [Level v] ?> then
set y to (Last Value)
if <(Speed Y) < [0]> then
set [Falling v] to [0]
set [Speed Y v] to [0]

Wimpydog44 Wimpydog44 loading
OK, so basically there is a song from Deltarune Chapter 2, and it's called “NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A”. I'm hoping to make a lyrical version of it. Can you possibly include bits of commercial somehow? EX: WHY BE THE WHO HATES HIS {3.99}] LIFE WHEN YOU CAN BE A BIG SHOT! Also, can you make it fit Spamton's character?
mandofan2 mandofan2 loading

boom2ratz wrote:

canada-ploos wrote:

did yall see the new eminem album announcement
I think he'll finally make a great, nice sounding album, Dre is going to bring back old-school beats while bringing something new, hopefully we get some nice features… JID would be so so cool… maybe J Cole or Kendrick but that's me dreaming…
hopefully, there's a rihanna feature
I think a moderator should move this to collaboration
684pika 684pika loading

rishaandas wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

DewMcStew wrote:

Lol. I am quite a bit older than the average Scratch demographic though haha
Same. Im 18.
I'm eleven ;-;
14 ()
yosephmk yosephmk loading its a cool clicker game, but its incomplete and has bugs. Can you play it and tell the bugs and reccommend features?
oh my god, ALMOST. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I TRY TO LOG IN IT SAY FAILED AUTHENTICATION! Sometimes the page will say a problem occurred and when I reload it it will work but 90% of the time it won't
yosephmk yosephmk loading its a cool clicker game, but its incomplete and has bugs. Can you play it and tell the bugs and reccommend features?
Well using cloud variables is not a good and reliable way to save someones data they might glitch and corrupt all the data or they might just not save at all and also the max storage for cloud variables is 2560 bytes ( numbers ) which sounds like a lot but when a username takes about 24 characters + x and y positions 8 + stats / score + 4 and adds up to about 38 characters for a person so you would be able to save 67 people's data but it would also be pretty hard to code for something that might break, glitch or not even work
Im not saying it will fail but im saying what has happened to me from experience there are some times where it works and sometimes it doesnt thats why its unreliable and a lot of people use save codes

The conclusion is that i dont recommend saving a lot of data in cloud variables
ramenecho ramenecho loading

BigNate469 wrote:

Try using something other than a period, like another letter, and then when you go to load changing it to a period. Idk why CTRL+SHIFT+click isn't working, probably a quirk of either your browser or scratch.
Ok, so thing is on every website and other places on scratch Shift+Ctrl+Right Arrow key works perfectly to select the entire line of code even if there are periods in it. But when i try it on a list in a game, it only works sometimes but not other times. One thing i noticed is if you select the number by clicking the top of it or the middle, it doesn’t work, but if you select the number right at the bottom, the blue box is identical, but the key combo works. All of these issues only appear in the lists in scratch, any other source of text on scratch or other websites works perfectly fine, you can even test the key combo on this message. Even. Though. There. Are. Periods.

BigNate469 wrote:

Also, I do admire the efficiency of using scientific notation in a save code. I just didn't recognize it as scientific notation earlier.

Thanks! I use scientific notation so that when i use sprites to display numbers i dont have to make space to allow numbers in the billions, i can just use small little areas to contain numbers all the same size. The largest it can get is 9 digits because scratches number limit is 1.000E300, which is a number so large you would have to dedicate years to reach it. The only flaw is some people dont know how to read scientific notation even if you tell them how.
C0D3N00B C0D3N00B loading
kanomaster kanomaster loading

G22IsArtist wrote:

I can make some nonograms if you want

(btw my main is blocked)
That's great! Go ahead and make a few, and then label them like @Riiviir did:

Riiviir wrote:

Spiral - 1117886113686323638361438861118881

Cat Sitting - 1111611722454171245218518811111110

Coffee/Tea - 1111321321161111178541612724511110

Science Beaker - 1111111482132143141248818821111110

Frog - 1114571633776311678328431128821110

Orange - 1111411181452418121231341417811110

PyraEthan12 wrote:

“Why rely on a third party product for something that should be provided by the initial website”? Because the first party website still hasn’t provided it over a decade later.
And thats reason for it to continuously not provide support for it?
Hey everyone. I need your help in creating a cartoon (from scratch) based on my book “The Vloompies”.

TheComputerCrasher wrote:

Dustyanimates wrote:

guh I want to listen to Unconcience but I can't access Soundcloud or Inkipedia
I know another website that has a ton of video game soundtracks, including Splatoon 3:

Dustyanimates wrote:

guh I want to listen to Unconcience but I can't access Soundcloud or Inkipedia
I know another website that has a ton of video game soundtracks, including Splatoon 3:
Trying to have someone draw something for me and they need a picture of my hair, if I take a picture of myself and censor the face but leave the hair uncensored is it allowed
From what i know the vector eraser and the bitmap eraser are different
One is made to erase points
The other one is made to erase pixels
Thats why when you try to erase a bitmap image with a vector eraser it doesnt erase anything because bitmap images are not made of points ( vectors )
Mar 28
Critique for @silverlynx-
Word count: 349
(Sorry i cant work out how to quote )

“I twirled through the gnarled trees, sunlight dappling onto the lush mossy floor. Wild mushrooms peeped from behind bushes, vibrant and colourful. Birds chirped amongst the emerald leaves, their song drifting through the clear pure air. The sky was a stunning sapphire blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds.”

The imagery is beautiful here :0 I can see this mysterious old forest perfect, intriguing and inviting. I don’t think anything here needs to change, except possibly a different adjective for the leaves. It makes you unsure if it’s the color your describing or if the leaves are actually emeralds-

“I flopped onto the peaty ground and closed my eyes in elation. This was the dream I had always wished for. Peace. Peace in the midst of the bustling city. Peace in the midst of honking cars. Peace in the midst of furious people. Impossible. Yet here I was, the midst of the city, in a forest. A tingling sensation ran up my arm and my eyelids fluttered open to reveal a deep amber butterfly nestled inside my fluffy jacket. I grinned. Flowers blossomed, twining around my pale wrist, vibrant and pale pink.”

I like the repetition. It really shows how busy this place is, and how chaotic, and how much the main character desperately wished to get away from it all. Again, I would use a different adjective instead of ‘furious,’ maybe something like ‘Peace in the midst of a storm of people.’ It still implies angry people, but it also implies a lot of them. It exaggerates it more. I like the verb you used when the main character opened there eyes. It implies fragility or peacefulness. Nicely done. The flower curling around her wrist adds a mystical tone.

I opened my eyes groggily, sirens wailing. Shouts echoed around me, anguished and heart-rending.
“I’m sorry…”
A blurred face leaned over me, wavering at the slightest breeze. As I came round, I saw a shiny badge on a radiant neon jacket.
Police Inspector
Happy to help!

I don’t exactly get the last ‘Happy to help’ part. Why would that be on a badge??? And wait, weren’t her eyes already open? The sirens also don’t make sense unless her father died in that forest. I’m confused.

I braced myself, ready for the worst.
“Your father… he was involved in an accident… I’m sorry… he died.”
I collapsed, the ground sodden with my salty tears. A hand stroked my back. Rain trickled down my face, mixing with a torrent of sadness. The flowers drooped and blackened and thunder screamed with me as I cried for my father to come. Come back.”

I don’t think I would change anything. This is perfect, except for “The ground sodden” bit. She had only started crying so I don’t get why it would be sodden but okay an exaggeration never hurt-

Lightning struck through a gnarled tree, splitting and splitting it into two halves. A broken heart. Leaves spiralled to the wet ground, the last fragments of the tree leaving, deserting it as my heart shattered into a million pieces. Julie crept over and cradled me close. I wanted her to leave me alone. I wanted Dad to cradle me instead.

Does she already know this police officer? Maybe that should be clarified if she does. I like the fact that her emotions control the weather, but she isn’t even realizing it in the moment. It’s a nice touch. Most things would make her lose control and she would be panicking to harness it again, but in this she doesn’t even realize it’s her doing.

I toddled up to Dad, smiling stupidly, beaming from ear to ear like sunshine on a summer’s day. He grinned and took my pudgy hand. We splashed through puddles and I squeaked in excitement as the water cascaded into the air, crashing back to the earth.
“Happiness, Em, is the key to success.”

This is a nice touch, showing how attached she is to her father. However, it isn’t necessary, and just adds words I think. It does give a transition to the next paragraph, but still isn’t necessary.

Sorrow washed over me. How could I be a success with this burden weighing me down? I gulped, swallowing back tears and stood up. The world spun around me and I fell back down. I shut my eyes tightly and sleep embraced me with open arms.

I wouldn’t change this. It’s perfect. I really like this paragraph. You did really well with it. Well, that’ll be all from me today happy writing!

co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

Peneren wrote:

B0o0lean wrote:

Crow_Boy08 wrote:

almost all of the kids in my class at school plays geometry dash on scratch
im pretty sure most of my classmates dont even know geometry dash is a real game and think the scratch version is the original :sob:
saw some dude a year below me playing the new mythic level the towerverse. asked him his hardest and he said dash so i can take great pride in knowing im better than a 13 year old
my irl friend's hardest is Windy Landscape and he has 88% on Acu
And then a lot of the kids in my class come up to me and expect me to 1 attempt deadlocked or clubstep for them. I'm not zoink i cant 1 attempt a demon (except maybe the nightmare)
Even a really easy demon will probably take me a week at least to get how it plays
edit: meant at least, not at most. don't want to oversell myself
once i spent 3 hours straight trying to beat tidal wave
Paddle2See Paddle2See loading

PyraEthan12 wrote:

This is a duplicate of

Please do not create duplicates of your other topics, I have reported this to be closed.
Thanks for the link! It does look like this is a duplicate topic so I'll close it to keep the conversation all in one place.

Please use the existing topic in the link above.

Please don't make duplicates of your topics. Just “bump” them by adding a new post to them if you want to bring them back to the top of the forum directory]bump
hi hello ive come back for some more help
this time for the shop for my raise a floppa type game
im having a hard time working on it due to the shop not working properly
so basiclly i can get it to remove money from the money counter ive only been able to add to it even though i use the subract block
i have no idea why this doesnt work so any other option is apperated
sorry if i explaied it wired

KitStar12 wrote:

the explosion should be non-realistic and don't put nukes in it
for things like wwII history put a TW
have you read op? my mushroom cloud comes from

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

title cuz I’m trying to make sure a mushroom thingy is allowed
(its a non-nuclear explosion)
PyraEthan12 PyraEthan12 loading

GlitchedThrough wrote:

PyraEthan12 wrote:

GlitchedThrough wrote:

PyraEthan12 wrote:

You’re speaking as you have higher authority than me, but that is far from true. Are you taking an answer as a suggestion? Do you not believe that a definitive answer is possible? There is an answers to everything in life and this was answered eons ago.
I see that one is capable of digging their heels in greatly once they've been disproven.
Could you directly address my claim rather then make up falsehoods? Scratch can still make it into iOS. Your statements merely show your opinions, rather then facts.
Maybe I don't have higher power then you. But the inverse is also true.

PyraEthan12 wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

PyraEthan12 wrote:

You’re speaking as you have higher authority than me, but that is far from true. Are you taking an answer as a suggestion? Do you not believe that a definitive answer is possible? There is answers to everything in life and this was answered eons ago.
They're not speaking as they're a higher power or above you, it's a simple fact. Suggestions don't get closed unless it is a dupe, implemented, or rejected, with a few exceptions, but this isn't a topic in Questions about Scratch, so it can't be “answered” or “solved” therefore should stay open.

Let's not start an argument and leave it at that.
But then you’re refusing to have an answer. Look at time as your answer, and think of how long this thread has existed for.
What is there to answer? A suggestion is an idea, rather then a question.
A suggestion is an idea, but that idea will eventually vanish as time passes by. The original was taken down years ago but also what the hell is the point, the website works just fine, and an offline editor works fine on turbowarp if you visit the site frequently enough.
If the sites just fine, why not leave it as is?
If your view is to not have an iOS offline editor, which would be incredibly easy for them to develop, then please prove why it wouldn't work.
This idea obviously ain't dead. Why rely on a third party product for something that should be provided by the initial website?
“Why rely on a third party product for something that should be provided by the initial website”? Because the first party website still hasn’t provided it over a decade later.
Sohta_kun Sohta_kun loading

moigam wrote:

Anyways, does anyone have good ideas for our first game? It can be any sensible game idea.

It could be an adventure game, it could be a platformer (though I don't think it will).
Be free with your ideas, and don't hesitate to communicate them.
I'm thinking of a semi-open Metroidvania where you have to escape a complicated cave system after *somehow* falling in. Think of Todd's Adventures in Slime World (the Lynx one) but with decent physics.
PyraEthan12 PyraEthan12 loading

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

TheSmartGuy1234 wrote:

this was going to be in the Windows 11 topic
here are some screenshots from my school account:

(as of posting, cubeupload is down)

basically this screenshots are of an “mystery” program installing a browser extension on my chrome (without me doing anything) that displayed a webpage telling me to activate the extension to change the search engine to Bing.

i'm installing linux
I can't see the images, so I can't tell what the problem is.
Cubeupload is currently down.

PyraEthan12 wrote:

GlitchedThrough wrote:

PyraEthan12 wrote:

You’re speaking as you have higher authority than me, but that is far from true. Are you taking an answer as a suggestion? Do you not believe that a definitive answer is possible? There is an answers to everything in life and this was answered eons ago.
I see that one is capable of digging their heels in greatly once they've been disproven.
Could you directly address my claim rather then make up falsehoods? Scratch can still make it into iOS. Your statements merely show your opinions, rather then facts.
Maybe I don't have higher power then you. But the inverse is also true.

PyraEthan12 wrote:

Malicondi wrote:

PyraEthan12 wrote:

You’re speaking as you have higher authority than me, but that is far from true. Are you taking an answer as a suggestion? Do you not believe that a definitive answer is possible? There is answers to everything in life and this was answered eons ago.
They're not speaking as they're a higher power or above you, it's a simple fact. Suggestions don't get closed unless it is a dupe, implemented, or rejected, with a few exceptions, but this isn't a topic in Questions about Scratch, so it can't be “answered” or “solved” therefore should stay open.

Let's not start an argument and leave it at that.
But then you’re refusing to have an answer. Look at time as your answer, and think of how long this thread has existed for.
What is there to answer? A suggestion is an idea, rather then a question.
A suggestion is an idea, but that idea will eventually vanish as time passes by. The original was taken down years ago but also what the hell is the point, the website works just fine, and an offline editor works fine on turbowarp if you visit the site frequently enough.
If the sites just fine, why not leave it as is?
If your view is to not have an iOS offline editor, which would be incredibly easy for them to develop, then please prove why it wouldn't work.
This idea obviously ain't dead. Why rely on a third party product for something that should be provided by the initial website?

TheSmartGuy1234 wrote:

this was going to be in the Windows 11 topic
here are some screenshots from my school account:

(as of posting, cubeupload is down)

basically this screenshots are of an “mystery” program installing a browser extension on my chrome (without me doing anything) that displayed a webpage telling me to activate the extension to change the search engine to Bing.

i'm installing linux
I can't see the images, so I can't tell what the problem is.
Anyways, does anyone have good ideas for our first game? It can be any sensible game idea.

It could be an adventure game, it could be a platformer (though I don't think it will).
Be free with your ideas, and don't hesitate to communicate them.

a job simulator game

Purpleowlelliot wrote:

Hi, so my project has a sprite where it creates clones of itself, and when it receives a broadcast, it's supposed to delete. For some reason it won't delete.

I'm pretty sure you cannot delete a clone via a broadcast message. The code won't work if it looks something like this:

when I receive [Message v]
delete this clone

I would suggest setting a variable to delete the clone, something like this should work:

when I start as a clone
if <(Delete Clone?) = [True]> then
delete this clone